Keyword match types are nothing but the parameters that you can set on your keywords to control which queries trigger your ads to pop up. Without the proper understanding of keyword match one cannot run a successful AdWords campaign. It is the most basic knowledge one should have to run an AdWords campaign. Today, therefore, we are discussing about keyword match types and when to use them.
Broad keyword match type is your default match type. As the name indicates, you can reach the widest audience. When you go for the broad match, your ads appear wherever users search for any word in your key phrase, in any order. This Keyword match type allows misspellings and synonyms to trigger your ads. For example, if you use the broad match on keyword “kids umbrella,” your ad might appear when user search for “kids cycle,” “pink umbrella,” etc. Broad match type must be carefully used. It usually attracts clicks from irrelevant traffic and exhausts your budget quickly. Use this keyword match type when you are unsure what words your audience uses to reach you. Later on, you can review keyword data and fine-tune your key phrases or shift to below keyword match types.
As the name indicates broad match modifier is similar to broad match, but it has one extra feature. Here you can emphasize specific keywords by adding “+” sign. Google will display your ad only when that specific term is included in the search query. Let’s take a quick example. If you use broad match modifier on keyword “+kids umbrella,” then Google will display your ads for “kids umbrella,” “cheap kids umbrella,” etc. But Google will not display your ad when user search for “Men’s umbrella.”
This is one of the most liked keyword match types among advertisers. In this case, your ad is shown only when a user searches for the exact keyword phrase, in the exact order. Let’s take an example. If you use the keyword “kids umbrella” in the phrase match, then your ad will be displayed when users search for “foldable kids umbrella,” “kids umbrella price,” etc., but not “kids pink umbrella” or “kids branded umbrella.” Use phrase match if you want more control over your pay per click campaign. Since irrelevant searches are eliminated in this keyword match type, it attracts more relevant traffic and improves the conversion rate.
Unlike phrase match, exact match type displays your ads only when users search for the exact key phrase. Here in this case, no extra words are included before, after or in between the key phrase. Since this type of match misses out huge opportunities, Google included close variations. Which means, small variants to search queries may trigger your ad. Use this type of keyword match when search behaviour of audience and keyword used by audience are known. Exact keyword match brings less traffic compared to other matches, but the traffic which is obtained is highly relevant.