

Basic SEO Terms

25 Basic SEO Terms You Should Know

By | Backlinks, Link Building, PPC, Search Engine Optimizaion

New to the digital marketing world? Finding it hard to understand SEO and its fundamental terms? Don’t worry, we are presenting all the basic information that you are looking for. But before we begin let us understand what is SEO?

What Is SEO?
You might already know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But what exactly is Search Engine Optimization? It is the process of optimizing your website so that Google prefers to show it as a top result for the certain search terms.

25 Fundamental SEO Terms

Understanding basic SEO terms is essential to grasp the basics of SEO. Here are the basic SEO terms and definition you are looking for.

1. Title tag: Title tag, also known as the page title, is a .html tag. It tells both Google and the net surfers what your web page is about. One can see title tag on the tab of his or her Internet browser or in the headline of search results.

2. Meta Description: Similar to the title tag, a meta description is also a .html tag but has a different purpose. As the name indicates, a meta description is a description of a web page which appears in the search results.

3. Backlink: Backlink, or simply link, is a hyperlink on somebody else’s website pointing to your website. These links play an important part in SEO.

4. SERP: The full form of SERP is Search Engine Results Page. Whenever you enter a query, the search engine comes up with a page loaded with search results, which is known as SERP.

5. PageRank: Named after Larry Page, is an algorithm which Google uses to rank a website for specific search terms. Today, there are more than 200 factors that Google uses to rank a website.

6. Keyword: Keyword is one of the most-used SEO terms. It is nothing but the set of words that searchers use to find particular information, product or service on the Internet. For example, “Restaurants in London” is a keyword which users use to find a restaurant in London.

7. Anchor Text: A clickable text on a web page is called as anchor text. Keyword rich anchor text is used to improve search engine ranking. It basically tells the search engines what your website does.

8. Indexing: Indexing is a process where search engines like Google, Bing, etc. collect and store your data through their bots. In other words, indexing is the process of saving a copy of your web page in the database of a search engine.

9. NoFollow: Basically, NoFollow is a link attribute. It is used by the webmasters to tell Google that a link doesn’t have to be counted as a vote.

10. Keyword Density: Keyword Density is nothing but the number of times a keyword used in a page divided by the total number of words. Keeping a healthy keyword density is one of the best practices in SEO.

11. Sandbox: Google adds the newly indexed web pages in the sandbox. These web pages are not displayed in Search Engine Results Page until the website is thoroughly verified.

12. Cloaking: Cloaking is a black hat technique. Here a webmaster shows different content to the Google and the Internet surfers, which is against webmaster guidelines. Therefore, Google penalizes for this activity aggressively.

13. Robot.txt: It is a file, which is located in the root of a domain. Robot.txt instructs the Google bots about the structure of the site. This file prevents a search spider from crawling any specific section of a site.

14. Keyword Stuffing: Keyword Stuffing is a practice of adding a large number of keywords into a content to gain higher search engine ranking. Obviously, this is a black hat practice. Google penalizes websites that do keyword stuffing.

15. 301 Redirect: Deleting pages or changing URL is a common practice in the digital world. As the name indicates, 301 redirects will redirect your users from an old URL to the new or active one.

16. SEM: SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, it is nothing but the marketing of products or services through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEM is further divided into SEO and PPC.

17. PPC: Stands for Pay Per Click, it is an online advertising model, where an advertiser needs to pay only when someone clicks on their ad. PPC is also known as Cost Per Click (CPC).

18. Indexed Pages: Indexed pages are basically the pages of your website that are stored by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing in their database. The process of storing is called indexing.

19. Inbound Link: A link in one site pointing to another site is called in the bound link. An inbound link enhances the SEO of a website and plays a major role in improving search engine ranking. It is also referred to as external link or backlink.

20. Internal Link: A link from one page of a site pointing to another page of the same site is called as an internal link. For instance, a link on your homepage pointing to your blog is an internal link.

21. Link Building: A process of gaining more inbound links to your site to obtain a higher position in Search Engine Results Page. From guest posting to blog commenting, Link Building can be done in many ways.

22. RSS Feed: Stands for Really Simple Syndication, it gives an option for your viewers to subscribe for getting notified whenever a new content is added.

23. Sitemap: A file that provides a map of all the pages on a site to the search engine for easy indexing. It can be created using various online tools available.

24. Traffic: In search engine optimization, traffic refers to the Internet surfers who visit your site. When someone says, “your site is getting a lot of traffic,” he or she actually means many people are visiting your site.

25. Ranking Factors: The factors that are used by search engine to determine the rank of a website for a particular keyword are called as ranking factors. Google uses more than 200 ranking factors to position a web page in SERP.

Experienced Digital Agencies

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Digital Marketing Partner

By | Digital Marketing, PPC, Search Engine Optimizaion, Social Media Marketing

Just having an online presence for your business is not enough. In order to reach more people, you need digital marketing services. A good digital marketing agency will help you to reach more potential customers and expands the customer base. But how to know whether a digital marketing agency is effective for your business or not? There are several factors to consider before choosing a digital marketing partner. In this blog post, we are listing top five factors.

Factor 1: Experience

Experience is one of the most important key factors. Experienced agencies usually reflect professionalism and deliver results quickly. Furthermore, they know how to handle difficulties, and fix both online and offline issues effectively. Therefore, before selecting a digital marketing agency, you need to make sure the agency has sufficient experience in your industry. Check when the agency was founded and calculate the number of years’ experience it has under its belt.

Factor 2: Quality Service

Most of the new business owners commit a common mistake by picking the least-expensive digital marketing company. Inexpensive digital marketing services are less likely to deliver the promised results. Therefore, give more importance to your business goals over the price offered. Get in contact with the ex-clients and current clients of the company and evaluate the services offered to judge the quality.

Factor 3: Core Strength

Every digital marketing firm has its own strength. Some are excellent at search engine optimization, and some are good at pay per click advertising. Always search for a company that has services you require as the core strength. For instance, if you need social media marketing services, then look for a digital marketing company, whose core strength is SMM.

Factor 4: Quality Content

Almost all the aspects of digital marketing such as SEO, SMM, PPC and Link building require quality content. Make sure the company which you are choosing as the digital marketing partner is qualified to create amazing content. Going through the case studies will reveal a lot about the content development capabilities of a firm. Here are the types of content a company should be able to create:
● Infographics
● Social media posts
● Articles
● Videos
● Pictures and many more

Factor 5: Credibility

Is the firm credible? This is one of the most important questions to ask before picking a digital marketing company. Digital marketing is a long journey, and that’s why you need to tie up with the one which is more credible. To find the credibility of a company, talk to the former clients and know their experiences. Reading online reviews is also an effective method to judge credibility.

Google AdWords

What Are Keyword Match Types & When To Use Them?

By | Keyword Research, Paid Search, PPC

Keyword match types are nothing but the parameters that you can set on your keywords to control which queries trigger your ads to pop up. Without the proper understanding of keyword match one cannot run a successful AdWords campaign. It is the most basic knowledge one should have to run an AdWords campaign. Today, therefore, we are discussing about keyword match types and when to use them.


Broad keyword match type is your default match type. As the name indicates, you can reach the widest audience. When you go for the broad match, your ads appear wherever users search for any word in your key phrase, in any order. This Keyword match type allows misspellings and synonyms to trigger your ads. For example, if you use the broad match on keyword “kids umbrella,” your ad might appear when user search for “kids cycle,” “pink umbrella,” etc. Broad match type must be carefully used. It usually attracts clicks from irrelevant traffic and exhausts your budget quickly. Use this keyword match type when you are unsure what words your audience uses to reach you. Later on, you can review keyword data and fine-tune your key phrases or shift to below keyword match types.


As the name indicates broad match modifier is similar to broad match, but it has one extra feature. Here you can emphasize specific keywords by adding “+” sign. Google will display your ad only when that specific term is included in the search query. Let’s take a quick example. If you use broad match modifier on keyword “+kids umbrella,” then Google will display your ads for “kids umbrella,” “cheap kids umbrella,” etc. But Google will not display your ad when user search for “Men’s umbrella.”


This is one of the most liked keyword match types among advertisers. In this case, your ad is shown only when a user searches for the exact keyword phrase, in the exact order. Let’s take an example. If you use the keyword “kids umbrella” in the phrase match, then your ad will be displayed when users search for “foldable kids umbrella,” “kids umbrella price,” etc., but not “kids pink umbrella” or “kids branded umbrella.” Use phrase match if you want more control over your pay per click campaign. Since irrelevant searches are eliminated in this keyword match type, it attracts more relevant traffic and improves the conversion rate.


Unlike phrase match, exact match type displays your ads only when users search for the exact key phrase. Here in this case, no extra words are included before, after or in between the key phrase. Since this type of match misses out huge opportunities, Google included close variations. Which means, small variants to search queries may trigger your ad. Use this type of keyword match when search behaviour of audience and keyword used by audience are known. Exact keyword match brings less traffic compared to other matches, but the traffic which is obtained is highly relevant.

Do you want more traffic?

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    PPC Management


    By | PPC

    Pay per click marketing is the best way to gain instant targeted traffic, while having control over the budget and scheduling. Since it looks simple, most of the people set up their own AdWords account and launch their own PPC campaigns to save some money. Launching your own PPC campaign can cost you more than hiring an expert. Spending little money on an expert can save lots of money in your PPC marketing. Below are the top ten reasons why you need a PPC expert.


    Keyword research is a deciding factor. If you select the wrong keywords, then you may lose a lot of money without gaining anything. An expert spends sufficient time for keyword research. Although free keyword tools are available but paid tools do a better job. An expert uses suitable tools and methods to pick the perfect keywords for your campaign.


    PPC specialists understand your market and do a detailed research on your competitors. They figure out what is working and what is not. Based on the research, they create multiple ad copies and do split testing throughout the campaign to beat the performance of current version of ad copy.

    This is something which a beginner or amateur can’t do. Bad ad copies are misleading. They can get you high irrelevant traffic that results in poor conversion rate. In simple words, a lot of money is wasted.


    Your conversion rate largely depends on the landing page. A PPC specialist takes care of several things which makes a Landing Page more effective. Few are given below:

    • Keyword optimization
    • Effortless grasping
    • Reflect professionalism
    • Landing page congruent with the ad copy
    • Performance optimization


    Beginners usually overlook settings. Basic purpose of settings is to make your campaign more effective and suitable. There are numerous settings that an expert adjusts for obtaining an accurate exposure for your campaign. Without having a clear understanding of these settings and how they work; you might end up paying more.


    Tracking is an essential part of a pay per click campaign. A PPC expert does a detailed tracking analysis to understand which parts of the campaign are working effectively and refine budget to improve conversion. Incorrect analysis can be harmful and can land you in further trouble. It is sensible to leave all this to specialists, who have an in-depth knowledge and experience.


    Well, the knowing terminology of any work you want to do is fundamental. Knowing what PPC stands for is not enough. There are numerous terminologies that can easily confuse and put your campaign at risk. Until you are not familiar with all terminologies, you are not ready to manage your pay per pick campaign.


    Many of you may not be aware of changes that Google makes regularly and are neither updated with new tools that are released every month. Marketing is a field which undergoes continuous changes. PPC specialists are up to date with these changes and evolve their strategies or methods to adapt these changes.


    Experience is something which you can’t learn from Googling. It can be gained only with a lot of work over a significant period of time. Seriously, there is no shortcut here. PPC experts have dealt varieties of problems, which occur in a PPC campaign. With their experience, they can easily solve problems and carry out a campaign most efficiently.


    If you are new to pay per click marketing, then you might not know what click fraud is. It is a process of repeated clicking on your advertisement to drain out your budget. This is normally done by competitors.

    An expert can easily analyze stat and log files and observe for any suspicious activity such as click fraud. If any click fraud is found, then it is reported to search engine providers for refund. If you don’t have analytical skills and experience, then it is sensible to leave this job to experts.


    Without technical knowledge and experience, PPC marketing is time consuming. If you are a businessman, then you might be busy with several business-related works and tasks. Is it possible for you to give the right amount of time for your campaign that it needs? It is very difficult to bring results that are efficient with respect to time, money and efforts you put in. Hence, it is best to hire a PPC expert.

    PPC Management

    Five Common PPC Mistakes To Avoid

    By | PPC

    Pay Per Click advertising is the easiest method to gain instantaneous traffic to your website. As the name indicates, an advertiser needs to pay only for the clicks that his PPC ad obtains. Mistakes in a PPC campaign are not affordable. One or two PPC mistakes can adversely affect overall campaign and result in poor Return On Investment (ROI). In this blog post, we are listing the most common PPC mistakes that you need to avoid.


    Being in the number-one position isn’t always profitable. Yes, it does get you more clicks, but is that what you want? You should aim for getting clicks from the traffic that converts. Receiving clicks from irrelevant traffic will cost you money and bring no returns. In general, third, fourth and fifth positions are safe and as well as cost-effective.


    For instance, clicking on an “iron box” ad should take your customer to iron box product page and not your homepage. Most of the advertisers solely focus on ad copy and completely ignore the importance of landing page. The irrelevant landing page may create a confusion among your visitors. As the result of which, they might abandon your site. Ensure that clicking on your PPC ad will take your customers to the appropriate page.


    PPC advertising allows you to target your ads on specific geographical locations. Not using this feature can drain out your daily budget quickly. For example, if you have a store in London, then people living in London are your most probable customers. Displaying your ad to regions other than London is nothing but waste of money. You should use Geo-targeting to filter out geographically irrelevant traffic, and save money.


    Improper usage of broad match keywords can exhaust your budget quickly without gaining anything. Bidding on broad keywords like “furniture” is not a good idea, if you sell only “chairs.” A person looking for furniture is less likely to buy a chair. Hence, using board keywords will attract the traffic, which doesn’t convert. Ensure your keywords are pertinent to services and products that you sell.


    The purpose of you using PPC advertisement is to make your customer to take an action. Hence adding a call to action is very important, since it encourages the customer to take some action. Without a proper relevant call to action, your customer might browse through your website and exit. Below are some examples of common calls to action.

    • Buy Now
    • Sign Up
    • Enroll
    • Make an enquiry, etc.
    PPC Management

    Six Most Popular Myths About Paid Advertising

    By | Paid Search, PPC

    Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the quickest methods to gain instant traffic. The biggest advantage with PPC advertising is that you need to pay only when someone clicks on your ad. This advantage may turn into a disadvantage if you fall for PPC myths. Yes, PPC is surrounded by several myths. Here are the most common PPC myths you should be aware of.

    MYTH 1: No One Clicks On PPC Advertisements

    Google AdWords was launched in October 2000. Seventeen years have been passed. Today, more than one million people use PPC for marketing. This couldn’t have been possible without the clicks that a PPC ad gets. On an average, first three paid ads get 41% of the total clicks. Moreover, nearly 50% of people cannot differentiate PPC ads from organic results.

    MYTH 2: Top Spot Of SERP Is Profitable

    Being in the top place of organic results is definitely profitable. For paid ads, top spot may not be the best place. Of course, the first position gets more clicks, but the aim of PPC marketing is not to get more clicks. The actual goal is to get those clicks, which converts. Getting clicks from the people who don’t intend to buy your products or services will exhaust your daily budget quickly, and make your PPC campaign inefficient.

    MYTH 3: With PPC, You Can Launch It and Forget It.

     This is one of the most popular myths related to Pay Per Click Marketing. No, PPC is not that simple. Here, the ultimate goal is to make more sales with minimum investment. There are many things that one has to take care after the launch of PPC campaign. Below are some important tasks:

    • Monitoring and Evolving
    • Testing
    • Bid Adjusting
    • Turning off & Turning on

    MYTH 4: PPC Marketing Is Expensive

     Sometimes PPC advertising can be expensive, but not always. PPC is flexible and provides controls in your hand to set maximum daily and monthly budget for your campaign. If done correctly, PPC can give amazing returns within limited budget. Think in this way, you are spending some money to earn more money.

    MYTH 5: There Is No Need Of PPC if SEO Is working Fine

     Pay Per Click (PPC) is different from Search Engine Optimization (SEO). They are not a replacement for each other, and are used for different purposes. SEO experts say it is beneficial to run PPC and SEO simultaneously, as they both compliment each other. Below are the benefits of running both in parallel.

    • Greater Visibility
    • Better Exposure
    • More Conversion
    • Quick Results

    MYTH 6: Paid Results Affect Organic Results

     No, PPC ads don’t affect organic results  because they both don’t interact with each other. Google can differentiate them very well. It is a common practice to run both Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click campaign together. If your organic and PPC ads are relevant to a search query, then Google will display both of them.

    Do you want more traffic?

    Get in contact with our team to chat about what we can do for your brand today.

      Google Adwords

      How To Run Google Adwords Effectively

      By | Digital Marketing, Google, PPC

      When it comes to online marketing tool, Google AdWords is the king. It allows you to choose when and where to place your advertisements, making it easy to target the audience. As the result of which, you get quality customers in a short period. Below are the few things to keep in mind for running Google AdWords effectively.

      1. Do Proper Research

       Just before going for any marketing strategy, it is advised to do a thorough research. Same thing applies to Google AdWords campaign.

      • Know the purpose of AdWords. Beginners usual take it as a brand awareness tool, which is wrong. AdWords is actually used to increase sales.
      • Analyze whether you can recover the money spent and gain profit.
      • Pick the right keywords, which have high search volumes. Take your time, it is the most important factor.

      2. Making It Effective

      With Google AdWords, you need to pay only when someone clicks on your ad. Therefore, keep two things in mind while writing for your ad.

      1. Your ad should pull relevant traffic.
      2. It should keep irrelevant traffic away.

       3. Add Keywords In Your Copy

       Including keywords in your copy is a good practice. Searchers tend to click ads containing keywords which they are searching for. Just adding keywords in your copy is not enough. Make sure your copy sounds good and catch attention.

       4. Make Many Versions Of Your Ad Copy

      Google allows you to run many versions of your ad copy. It is a good practice to run nearly seven to eight ad copies simultaneously. Based on click through rate, Google will increase or decrease the visibility of a particular version. Delete the versions performing least. Never settle down for one version, keep adding new versions of your copy to beat the current one.

      5. Geo-target your ads

       Geo targeting ads is the best feature which Google AdWords provides. With Geo targeting, you can show your ads in only those regions where you do business and increase your sales. Showing ads in other than your region is irrelevant and waste of money.

      6. Have a Compelling USP

       Your campaign revolves around Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Having a strong USP is basic and gives benefits while running a campaign.

      • USP increases quality leads.
      • It also increases the conversion rate.
      • It prevents unwanted leads and saves money.
      • Having a powerful USP, distinguishes you from your competitors.

      7. Target Time

       Find out when your ideal customers are online. Show your ads only when your potential customers are online. This again makes your Google AdWords campaign cost-effective and save money. It is most helpful when you are in a b2b space. You can run your ads during daytime and skip at night.

      8. Keep an Eye On Competitors

       Try to know what your competitors are doing by keeping an eye on their ads. If your competitors are regularly using a specific ad text, it means it is performing good for them. This is how you know what is working out in the market. Taking reference of that copy, create better versions.

      Do you want more traffic?

      Get in contact with our team to chat about what we can do for your brand today.