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do and dont EM

Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

By | Digital Marketing, Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most effective digital marketing method we have. It helps you to interact with your audience while promoting your brand and maximising sales opportunities. Just like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), and Social Media Marketing (SMM), Email Marketing also has some do’s and don’ts. In this blog post, you are going to learn what are the things that improve your email marketing campaign and what are the things that harm your campaign. Here are the do’s and don’ts for an email marketing campaign.


1. Send a welcome email to your new subscribers

New subscribers usually do not know much about you. Sending a welcome email will not only make them feel cared but also it will introduce your business to them. Make sure you add what you do and what your business is all about. Avoid self-praising and focus more on how your emails are going to add value to them.


2. Be aware of your audience

Just like any other digital marketing methods, email marketing also needs audience awareness. The more you know about your audience, the more precise you become. And the more precise you are, the more sales you are going to make. In short, it doesn’t make any sense to send emails to the audience when you don’t know them.

Before you begin with an email marketing campaign, make sure you know who is your audience. Digital marketers usually suggest creating buyer’s persona. Once you know who your audience is, you can craft effective email templates which are more likely to convert your potential customers.


3. Emphasize quality

There is one similarity between Twitter users and new business owners. That is, they both try to increase the number of followers or subscribers. Just like link building, an email marketing campaign must also focus on quality rather than quantity. Just increasing your number of subscribers is of no use if they are not going to buy from you. Why would anyone open your email, if he or she is not interested in the first place? Therefore, it makes sense to build a quality list.


4. Experiment with different CTAs

CTA or Call To Action tells your customers what you want them to do? So, it can be said that it is the most essential ingredient of your email. However, we have noticed that not many people do experiments with CTA as they do while web designing.

The fact is that there is no ideal shape, colour, place and size for a CTA. It totally depends on what you are selling, to whom you are selling, niche, country, language and many other things. Therefore, email marketers keep experimenting to make out most.


5. Use compelling subject lines

In content marketing, headings and subheadings play a vital role. The audience tends to decide whether or not to read your article just by reading the titles. The same thing applies to email marketing. Here subject lines act as headings for the emails.

A great email with an uninteresting subject line is useless. That’s because your email is less likely to be opened.  Take help of content writer or do online research, but make sure your subject line makes the potential customers open your email.



1. Avoid spam filter

Have you ever wondered how Google is able to identify spam emails and send them to the spam folder? Here is the answer. Google scans the emails for typical words that are usually used in the spam emails. The examples of words usually used in the spam folder are free, sales, cash, download, upgrade, offer, etc.

Avoid using these words as much as possible. You don’t want your email to end up in spam, a place where no potential customer opens your mail. Try to write your email using natural words. Always keep in mind that any email that uses promotional language is more likely to end up in the spam folder.


2. Don’t buy email lists

Many business owners believe buying email lists is a quick and easy method to widen their reach. However, this is not the case, most of the paid email lists lack quality. In the end, you will end up wasting your time and money.

Further, buying lists negatively impact your online reputation and domain. Email marketing is effective only when you send the right message to the right people, which is not possible with the help of paid lists. Try to build your list. When you build your own list you will know who your audience is. And when you know who your audience is, you will be in a good position to create relevant content for them.


3. Don’t underestimate mobiles

Take any digital marketing methods, for instance, SEO, Web design, or Email marketing, digital marketers pay special attention to mobiles. This is because of the dominance that mobile has shown in this decade. Recently, search engines have started to get more traffic from the mobile than desktop.

Almost everyone owns a smartphone today. Your emails are more likely to be opened on mobile. So, if you are optimizing your email only for laptop, you are missing out a huge opportunity. The best way to go is a responsive design. In this way, you will cover not only mobile but also all the other screens such as tablets.


4. Don’t send same emails

Here is a hypothetical situation. You get an email where you are encouraged to buy shoes. Looking at the offer and quality both, you decide to go for it. How do you feel if you get the same email that you got initially to buy the shoes after buying the shoes?

To avoid such a situation, you should not send the same email to everyone on the list. Segment your audience into three parts.

  1. Potential buyers
  2. People who have shown interest
  3. People who have made a purchase.

Craft different emails for these three segments. Keep testing and keep evolving.


5. Don’t be lengthy

Your email is not your blog, where you have liberty over the length. Users are more likely to hit the back button when they see a lengthy email. Here is an important tip. Convey your message by using minimum words. Below are some other important best practices:

  • Use pictures
  • Use paragraphs
  • Use compelling CTA
  • Use bullet points

In the end, before sending your emails, test them.


Website Redesign

Top 12 Reasons To Redesign Your Website

By | Web design, Website

Websites and brick & mortar stores must be renovated after a certain period of time, and for the same reason. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. are putting a lot of efforts to make the Internet browsing user-friendly. For that, they are frequently updating their algorithms. As a result, as the days are passing, the standards of a website are increasing.

If you created your website long back, then you should consider redesigning it. That’s because the parameters have changed. Now, we have many new ranking factors such as speed, mobile friendliness, security, and many other things. Here are the top reasons to redesign your website.

1. Your website is not fulfilling your needs

A website is the most important part of your business. It is created to fulfill certain needs and expectations of business owners. Below are the things that a website can help you achieve.
More sales
Bigger customer base
Higher visibility
Good online reputation
Great brand awareness

These are some of the common goals that business owners try to achieve through a website. As a business owner, you might have certain unique goals too. Check whether your website is able to fulfill all your business goals. If you are not able to meet your expectations, you might require a website redesign.

How do I know whether my website is serving its purpose? Well, it is pretty easy. You should keep an eye on certain parameters such as subscriptions, sales, visitors, conversion rate, bounce rate, etc.

Note that the absence of an SEO campaign also contributes to the reduction of website traffic. SEO is a continuous process. So never stop your ongoing search engine optimization campaign.

2. It is slow

In both SEO and web design, user experience plays a vital role. Therefore, speed has become the most basic quality of a website. If your site takes more than three seconds to load, it is tagged as a slow website. There can be many causes, for instance, poor website development, and slow hosting service.

In the last couple of years, things have drastically changed. Today, Internet users have a short attention span and expect a website to load fast. If your website takes anything more than three seconds, they tend to hit the back button or close the window. As a result, your bounce rate increases and negatively impacts your SEO.

So get your website redesigned, if it is slow. If you find it difficult to guess the website speed you can use free online tools available on the internet, and determine the speed.

3. It does not reflect your brand properly

A business does not remain at it was in the beginning. With time it tends to evolve. As a result, core principles, customer base, keywords, and business goals tend to change. Your website should be synchronized with all these things. In order to make sure your website matches with the various aspects of your business.

Why is it important for your website to reflect your brand properly? An internet user comes to your website as a visitor. The content on the website and the user experience play a major role in converting them. In addition to that, online reputation management experts also suggest reflecting your brand accurately.

4. The absence of Call To Action buttons

You have created a website so that your visitors can take certain actions on it. The action can be Subscribe, Call, Message, Get direction, Know more, Talk to the experts, Make an inquiry, Buy, Book an appointment, etc. Without Call To Action buttons your website is like a computer without a keyboard.

Just placing the call to action button is not going to solve the issue. They need to be placed in the right places. For example, it is not a good idea to place “buy now” in the above the fold region. That’s because users do not come to your website and buy your products and services directly. They go to various web pages and judge both your business and online presence. Web design experts usually suggest keeping the call to action button in the places where the visitor is ready to take the action, for example in the bottom.

5. It is not responsive

What is a responsive website? A responsive website is a website that detects the visitor’s screen size and orientation and changes the layout accordingly. In short, if you visit a responsive website you will not have to zoom in and zoom out to read the content on the website.

If your website is not responsive, it is not user-friendly. It is as simple as that. Moreover, responsiveness is a search engine ranking factor. Without it, you can’t rank your website on Google’s first page. Visit your website using different devices such as desktop, mobile, tablet, laptop, etc. Check how the website is displayed in these devices. If your website is not adjusting itself according to the screen size, it is time to redesign your website and make it device friendly.

6. It is not capable to build trust

Trust is the top most important factor for any business. Even when if you have a phenomenal website and the topmost search engine ranking, people will not buy your products and services if they don’t trust you. That is the reason why the importance of online reputation management is increasing year by year.

How can I establish trust through web design? Well, it is quite simple, all you need to do is display social proofs. For example customer testimonials, consumer reviews, case studies, and statistics. These are the things that make your potential customers believe in you. Make sure you do not fake it. Faking is not going to help. Eventually, people will come to know the truth.

7. High bounce rate

Bounce rate, a term used in website analysis, is nothing but the percentage of visitors who enter your website and exit rather than continue to view other web pages of the same website. So, a high bounce rate indicates that the majority of the people who are coming to your website are leaving without taking any action.

There are many reasons that increase the bounce rate. Here we are mentioning some.
Poor quality content
The mismatch between expectation and reality
Slow website
Too many ads
Complicated navigation

You can check the bounce rate of your website with the help of Google Analytics. If you find it high, consider redesigning your website.

8. It is not SEO optimized

A website without SEO is the same as a watch without a cell. The whole SEO can be divided into two parts, those are On-page optimization and Off-optimization. On-page optimization is something that overlaps with web design.

If your website is not SEO optimized, it is not going to rank well in search engine results pages. A good web design produces SEO ready websites. If your website is not SEO ready, you should redesign it and start an SEO campaign as soon as possible.

9. It is outdated

Just like your business, your website also needs to be updated. Web design trends usually change after a couple of years. Your competitors are updating their website to win the competition. If your website is outdated, visitors tend to think they are on a website that is not currently active. Many business owners tend to commit this mistake. A website created cannot be used forever without making changes in it. If you have not updated your website since the day it was built, you need to contact a web design company today.

10. It lacks proper website security

You cannot rank your website on the search engine results page without proper website security. SEO should not be the only reason to concentrate on website security. Cybercrime has become the top concern of internet users. No one whats to interact with a website which is not secure.

If your website is built years ago and hasn’t been updated since it is at great risk. Old and outdated websites are easy to hack. Once your website is hacked, you will lose your online reputation and credibility, without which your business cannot survive.

11. It does not go well with your marketing strategy

Is your business the same as it was in the initial years? It must have gone through some significant changes, right? When your business goes through the changes, marketing strategies no longer remain the same. They are evolved to suit the nature of the business. Similarly, your website should go hand in hand with your marketing strategy. An outdated website does not suit the current marketing strategy.

12. It doesn’t convert

As a business owner, what is your ultimate goal? You want more sales, isn’t it? Well, to have more sales you have to convert your visitors into customers. And an updated website is capable of doing this job. Various aspects of a website such as content, social proofs, navigation, user experience, speed, and readability help you to make more sales.

If your website is not converting, you must go for website redesigning. It is as simple as that. Rebuild your website taking all these factors into account. If you do not have the required knowledge and experience, it is always best to take the professional help of a web design company.

website design

12 Things To Do Before Starting Your Website

By | Website, WordPress Website

A website is your virtual store. So, creating a website for your business is basic in this digital era. 24/7 access, higher brand awareness, better consumer relationship, non-stop lead generation, and unlimited sales are some benefits of creating a website for your business. In short, a website is no less than a boon for your business.

However, if you are a new business owner, and want to build a website for your new business, it is not a good idea to jump directly into website development. There are several things that you must consider before starting with website development. Ignoring these crucial factors and proceeding to web designing can put your digital marketing strategy off track. Therefore, in this blog post, we are listing out 12 crucial things to consider before beginning with web designing and web development.

1. Know what you want to achieve

The truth is that many business owners build a website for the sake of building. They actually do not know what they want to make out of it. As a result, they fail to utilize their maximum potential. Therefore, it is crucial to set your goals before going for website creation.

In the business world, nothing is done without a purpose. You have a purpose, and to achieve the same you are building a website. Many people say gaining higher sales is their ultimate goal. Although it is the truth, such goals don’t help much. You should be more specific.

2. Research

You are new in your industry. You may not fully understand how the industry functions in the digital world. Doing in-depth research will help you to gather all the important information required to make crucial decisions. Moreover, you will understand what needs to be done and what is not needs to be avoided.

Also, make a list of all your competitors and do research on their website. See what changes they have incorporated into their website and what purpose they are fulfilling. If you find and a good aspect that is relevant to your business, then reflect it into your website without duplicating it. Note that you do not copy the content. Duplication of content is considered a black hat search engine optimization technique. Your web page can be penalized.

3. Know your target audience

You build a website for your potential customers, don’t you? So, it makes sense to know who your potential customers are, what keywords they use, what they like and what they don’t like beforehand so that it makes the whole process easy and confusion-free.

Knowing your target audience will help you to design a website that is more relevant to your potential customers. In short, it makes web design more effective and attractive. In addition to that, it also enhances your search engine optimization (SEO) and helps in converting visitors into customers.

4. Choose your domain name wisely

Your domain name is going to stay for a long period of time, so it makes sense to choose it wisely. Also, keep SEO in mind when selecting a domain name.

In the third point, we asked you to find out the keywords that your potential customers use to search your products or services. Try to use exact match domains. It will be one of the biggest plus points for your SEO campaign.

An exact match domain (EMD) is a website domain that includes keywords that you are trying to rank for. For example, if you are a plumber and “top plumbers” is the main keyword you want to rank for, then “” is your exact match domain. Choosing EMD gives more power to your overall SEO.

However, with more power comes more responsibility. Just by opting EMD will not rank your website high on search engine results page. You need to go for white hat on-page optimization and off-page optimization. If it is not possible to choose an EMD, go for a partial match domain (PMD).

In the end, content is the deciding factor. If you have high-quality content and proper SEO strategy in work, then your website will rank without EMD and PMD.

5. Set up sitemap

A website is like a building and a sitemap is its blueprint. So you should not build a website without a sitemap. It is a crucial element for your website. Since it is a file consisting of the list of web pages, it helps search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. to understand the structure of your website.

That is the reason why SEO experts suggest adding a sitemap. Note that search engines rank all your web pages, not just whole website. Including a sitemap helps search engines to find all your pages easily and effortlessly.

6. Finalize design and layout

Once you are done with research, you should have a rough idea of the design style you want to have in your site. This is the part where you should not copy your competitors. You should be unique and creative. Your aim should be of creating a website that becomes a part of users’ memory.

Using common or ordinary design and layout will not help you to grab the attention of the visitors. When you do not have the attention, how will you convert them? So, it makes sense to spend sufficient time on finalizing design and layout. Always remember, the design is one of the most important ingredients of a website that helps you to convert the website visitors.

7. Pick colour scheme

Colour schemes are more important than you think. It helps your visitors to remember your brand. Alright, let us take an example. If you think of “Vodafone,” what color comes to your mind? Red and white right? That is because this network uses red and white as their color scheme. And that is how the company is successful in creating a memory in the minds of people.

Pick the color schemes that match your logo. For example, if you have used green and black color in your logo, then use the same colors on your website. Do not use more than three colors. Using less than three colors will visibly integrate the website. A visitor should feel all the web pages and the parts of it are a part of a single entity.

8. Know that it takes time

One needs to undergo preparation before building a website. And preparation takes time. As a new business owner, if you are not aware of this fact, you can easily get frustrated and quit early. So, always keep in mind that these things take time.

How to get through this lengthy process? Organize the whole process. Divide the whole task into many subtasks and create a to-do list. This will give you the idea of how well the progress is going on, and how many other things are yet to done. You can take a break after completing a couple of tasks.

9. Branding

Irrespective of what business size you have, branding is something that you should not ignore. Along with the design, placement of your brand logo contributes to the overall website experience. So, if you don’t have a logo for your business yet, you should get one soon.

Professionally designed logos are always successful in catching the customer’s attention and provide a clear understanding of the brand’s unique voice. Choose a place on your website that is easily visible, for instance, upper left corner. This is the region from where a visitor starts to scan a website.

To improve the overall effect, use the logo on packing, ads, contact page, contact form, etc. Doing so will help you achieve an integrated and memorable brand experience.

10. Create content

Before you begin to build a website, you must create content for various regions of a website such as a homepage, service pages, contact page, about us page, case study page, and others. Content is the main ingredient for a website, SEO, and other digital marketing methods. Other than that, content will help you to convert visitors into customers. So make sure you are ready with high-quality fresh content.

11. Decide navigation

Navigation is an important aspect of a website. Make sure you have a pretty good idea about how the navigation of your website should be. This will save you time. Normally it is the navigation, that turns out to be a headache. When it comes to navigation keep these things in mind.
● Try to keep the navigation simple
● Make sure your navigation is predictable
● Complex navigation usually increase the bounce rate

12. Take professional help

These are the things that you need to do before creating a website. We have listed only some important ones out of many. Doing all these things is going to take a lot of time and energy. As a business owner, you might not have enough time and energy to spend on the things that you know less.

Therefore, It makes sense to take professional help of a web design company. Although it will cost you some money, you will get a highly professional, SEO ready, mobile ready, and a user-friendly website. Moreover, mistakes in web design are more likely to attract a Google penalty. Consequently, you may lose your search engine ranking before gaining.

Top 11 Facebook Marketing Tips

By | Facebook, Social Media, Social Media Marketing

Facebook is the most loved social media platform. In fact, it has more than two billion active users across the world. According to a recent study conducted, nearly 65% of the Facebook users log on at least once daily. This is the reason why Facebook has become the core platform for social media marketing.

More and more business owners, including small and medium business owners, are focusing on Facebook marketing to improve their brand visibility, online reputation, consumer relationship, and sales. Therefore, in this blog post, we are bringing the top Facebook marketing tips for you.

1. Target your audience precisely

Discovering your audience and targeting them is one of the core aspects of digital marketing. The biggest advantage of Facebook is that it gives you an option to target your audience by adding multiple filters.

In short, you can target English and Spanish speaking men, between the ages of 27 to 55, who live in a 30-mile radius of London, who are fit at sports and also are working. Yes, we know it is quite difficult to believe.

Begin with analyzing your customer base and developing buyer personas. Once you know who are your potential customers, you can use super-sophisticated targeting features of Facebook to reach your desired audience.

Although you have the option to be as specific as you want, it is not a good idea to be too specific. It can spoil your Facebook marketing, and you may end up reaching no one. So, make sure you are not getting insanely precise.

2. Provide correct and useful information

When people find your ad on their feed, they should be able to get a good idea of what you are selling and how it will help them. There should not be any kind of confusion. So, to avoid confusion it is quite important to provide correct and useful information.

Furthermore, your ad should link to an appropriate web page, which contains valuable and highly tailored information, so that it converts your visitors into customers. So make sure that you provide accurate and useful information not only on your Facebook ads but also on your entire Facebook page.

3. Upload image quotes

Image quotes are good at gaining the attention of the audience. That is the reason why many digital marketers are using them extensively. The best thing about image quotes is they are easy to create. You can find many free online tools that will help you to create image quotes within a couple of minutes.

All you need to do is write a quote and place it on a compelling background. Make sure you do not repeat the same thing using different words. Let there be a variety of emotions. For instance, you can write quotes which are inspirational, funny or motivational. Furthermore, select the background carefully. It should be able to enhance the overall user experience. It is a nice idea to opt for a background that suits the quote as well as your business niche.

Social media marketing experts say the audience is more likely to share image quotes compared to text-only content. So, if you have not tried it yet, do it now.

4. Ask questions

Asking questions on Facebook is one of the best methods to boost audience engagement. Most of the new business owner commit a common mistake. That is they solely try to spread a business message. As a result, the whole Facebook marketing effort turns out to be a one-way interaction.

In digital marketing, things don’t work in this way. You must try to improve audience engagement. Only then they will remember you and opt you when they are in need of products and services that you offer.

You can ask various questions. Along with boosting audience engagement, asking questions also serve other purposes. Here we are mentioning some.
● Asking opinion based questions will help to know your audience
● Asking feedback questions will help you to evolve your business
● Asking fun question will help you to improve consumer relationship

5. Test your ads

No marketing campaign is 100% perfect. With time, we have to evolve it. So, it is always best to take the help of the trial and error method to figure out what works for your marketing campaign and what does not.

So, test your ads and see to which ad brings the desired response. Continue with the one which brought you the good results and scrap the other one. People who are new to social media usually test their ads once and stick to the best one for years. This is not going to work. You need to keep testing and evolving so that your ad remains compelling and up to date.

6. Make use of emojis

Social media marketing experts say that Facebook ads with emojis get more clicks than the ads without it. Unfortunately, Google came to know about this fact and therefore we now can’t use emojis in AdWords ad text.

However, this is not the case with Facebook. According to a study, more than 90% of online users use emojis, and they feel it is the best way to express feelings compared to text-only content.

So, it makes sense to use emojis in your Facebook marketing posts. Make sure you do not over do it. Your post should have the right amount of text and emojis. If you put more emojis, it may turn your visitors off or create confusion. Just keep it simple and exciting.

7. Study your competitors

There is one easy method to determine whether your campaign is on the right track. That is knowing what your competitors are doing. It will help you understand what is working for them and what is not. You can reflect some positive aspects of their campaign into yours. While doing so, make sure you don’t copy the entire campaign.

Doing competitor analysis only once is one of the biggest mistakes of business owners. Marketing campaign evolves with time. Something that was working for your competitors six months back, may not be working now. So it is always good to keep an eye on your competitors and do competitor research regularly.

8. Humanize your brand

One of the most common mistakes business owners do is always trying to sell something on Facebook. Social media marketing strategy includes consumer relationship, online reputation management, brand awareness, and sales.

Let some Facebook posts be about the people who work for you, that is your employees. On the one hand, it will help you to humanize your brand, while on the other hand, it will help you to encourage your employees to work hard.
Furthermore, uploading pictures of your employees working is the best way to showcase your business culture and the environment inside your company. Make sure you do not fake it.

9. Join groups in your niche

Discover interesting groups in your niche using the Facebook search field and join them. If possible create some groups by yourself. Before joining a Facebook group, make sure it is relevant to your business and has your target audience.

Being active in these groups will help you to reach more people and improve brand awareness. In short, It gives you a chance to reach the unexplored audience. Here is what you can do by joining relevant Facebook groups.
● Build a network
● Generate Leads
● Improve incoming traffic
● Increase brand visibility
● Expand customer base

10. Upload videos and go live

Going live is another way to boost engagement. Recently, social media analyst have observed that more and more people are preferring video content over the other types of content. Did you know? Facebook users watch more than a hundred million hours of video every day. With this fact, You can get a pretty good idea about how much Facebook users like to watch videos, especially live videos.

Facebook knows this fact very well. Therefore, it is also making changes to how their algorithm measures users’ interest in videos. In other words, videos will most likely appear in the top position of some of your followers’ feed.

11. Find new content ideas

At the beginning of your Facebook marketing journey, you are filled with a lot of interesting ideas. As time passes, you slowly use all your existing ideas. At some point, you will be deficient of new content ideas. As a result, you will either reduce your posting frequency or start to repeat your old content by using new words. Both methods can significantly harm your marketing campaign.

Whether it is SEO, Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click or Email Marketing, the success of your digital marketing campaign largely depends on the content you produce. So always come up with new ideas. If you lack new content ideas, you can use some online tools to find fresh ideas. For instance, BUZZSUMO is an amazing tool that helps you to find new content. The best thing about this tool is that it helps you understand the popularity of content over various social media websites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Keyword Research

10 Common Keyword Research Mistakes To Avoid

By | Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the core SEO tasks that involves identifying popular words and phrases people enter into Google to find a product, service or any information on the Internet.

Did you know? Nine out of ten Internet users use a search engine to find any information. So, 9 out of ten search engine users use search terms to find the information they are looking for. That is the reason why SEO agencies consider keyword research to be the most crucial element of SEO.

Ranking your web page or website for irrelevant keywords is the worst thing to do. Doing so, will not get you traffic. Without traffic, it is not possible to generate sales. In order to avoid ranking your website for irrelevant keywords, you have to avoid keyword research mistakes. Here are the top ten most common keyword research mistakes to avoid.

1. Focusing solely on long tail search terms

A long tail search term is a keyword that contains three or more than three words. An SEO agency usually uses long tail keywords to target niche demographics rather than a wide audience. Such keywords are usually more specific and less competitive than other types of keywords. Here are a few examples of long tail keywords.
● White formal shoes for girls
● Android 4GB Ram phone price list
● SEO company in London

Long tail keywords are easy to rank and generate leads. However, focusing solely on this kind of keyword can be harmful. That is because Google rewards on the basis of the width and depth of the content posted on a topic. Google does this by looking at how the content is grouped on a website. Such groups are called a topic cluster. Therefore, it is good to use both long tail keywords and short tail keywords.

2. Ignoring keywords targeted by competitors

In digital marketing, competition analysis is the first step. And in competition analysis, knowing what keywords your competitors are trying to rank for is quite important. That is the reason why one should not overlook the keywords used by competitors.

If your competitor is targeting a couple of keywords for many years, then that simply means it is working for him or her. Moreover, knowing where they are ranking for vital search terms and phrases will enable you to identify easy wins. In addition to that, it will help you to craft a digital marketing strategy and set goals.

3. Selecting keywords that have low search volume

Keyword search volume is nothing but the number of people that are searching the internet via specific keywords over a certain period of time. Usually, keyword search volume if calculated taking months into account. How this is important anyway?

Keywords with low search volume simply mean less number of people are using them. As a result, you will gain low website traffic. Therefore, SEO experts suggest picking keywords that have high search volume, so that your website obtains huge incoming traffic.

However, ranking keywords with high search volume are quite difficult. That is because many people know their importance and try to rank their website for those keywords. This gives rise to a stiff competition in the industry your business belongs to.

How to find the search volumes of a particular keyword? There are many paid as well as free tools that will let you know the search volumes. Here we are mentioning some:
● Google Adwords
● SEMRush
● KWFinder
● MOZ Keyword Planner

4. Preferring broad match keywords over exact match keywords

There are three main types of keyword matching.

● Broad Match: This type contains all your keywords, irrespective what the order is. Further, it may also include extra words in the beginning, end or in between the keyword. Here is an example. If your targeted words are “red umbrellas,” broad match may include “red umbrellas for kids,” “red and blue umbrellas,” and so on.
● Phrase match: This type of matching includes your search terms in order but may have extra words in the beginning or at the end. Here is an example of a phrase match. “Price of a red umbrella,” “features of a red umbrella,” and so on.
● Exact match: This type of matching includes only your keywords in order. That is “red umbrella”

Each one of the above-mentioned match types gives different results. If you target only broad match, you may increase the bounce rate and obtain terrible results. Use these match types carefully.

5. Using plural version instead of singular

Keywords can be divided into two categories, they are singular version and plural version. Here is an example. If you are a PPC agency, then “PPC agencies” is a plural version and “PPC agency” is a singular version keyword.

One of the most common mistake webmasters do is using plural version only. The fact is that people generally use the singular version more. Although search engines are quite smart enough to conclude singular version and plural version of a keyword are one and the same, in many cases, we have found the difference in search results.

This mistake is usually committed by e-commerce website owners. So, if you have an online e-commerce owner, you know what you have to avoid.

6. Failing to do enough research

You may be running your business for decades. You may be an expert in your industry. However, one fact remains the same. That is keyword research needs time. You have to spend sufficient time on finding your results.

The keywords which you select should be the outcome of keyword research and not the outcome of your experience and anticipation. Selection of keywords should depend on various factors such as volume, difficulty, priority, and opportunity. Always remember one thing, the more time you spend on keyword research, the better SEO results you will achieve.

7. Ignoring local keywords

In the past couple of years, Local SEO had become a huge industry. It has been delivering huge traffic to countless local business owners. Although there are numerous local business owners taking maximum benefits of local SEO, there are still many who do not have explored this SEO type.

Local keywords help search engines to list your website whenever an area-specific query is searched. For example, searching “Chinese restaurant” and “Chinese restaurant London” may provide somewhat similar search results. However, the latter would help you receive a list of restaurants near you.

So, if you are not using local keywords, your website is less likely to appear in local search results. Check whether the other businesses in the area are doing the same. Reflect their positive steps in your Local SEO strategy.

8. Focusing on irrelevant keywords

As a business owner, one will like to reach more and more people, so that you can generate non stop sales. Well, that is obvious, isn’t it? However, in order to reach maximum people, business owners tend to use a wide range of keywords. In this process, they are more likely to target irrelevant keywords.

Irrelevant keywords are basically those keywords that your potential customers do not use to find your business. So targeting these keywords is nothing but a waste of time and energy. That is the reason why SEO analysts say do not pick keywords unless and until you have done detailed research.

9. Not considering conversions

Most of the experienced keyword researchers make a mistake of not considering the conversions. There are several types of keywords. One of the most important types of keywords are the ones which bring you more sales.

Yes, keywords with high search volume and low competition are good. However, they do not make any sense if they do not generate sales. Only traffic and no sale is definitely not one of your business goals.

So along with high search volume and low competition, you must focus on purchase intent. Purchase intent keywords are the keywords that showcase the buying intent of a searcher. Here is an example. “Discount on Samsung Note 9”, is a keyword that has purchase intent. Only the person who wants to buy something, looks for the discount right?

Note that purchase intent keywords may not bring you high traffic. However, it will definitely bring some quality traffic which increases sales. So, it is always best to target various keywords without going out of context.

10. Using one-word keywords

Another common mistake that people do while doing keyword research is that they select keywords that consist of a single word. In fact, this is one of the most terrible mistakes that business owners do.

One word keywords are very difficult to rank, as they are very much general, competitive, and lack details. For instance, a person searching for “book” may also be looking for a ruled book, unruled book, king size book, long book or any other type of book.

Generally, Internet users do not use one-word keywords. They usually type specific search queries. So, avoid such keywords, and focus on keywords that have:
● Purchase intent
● High search volume
● Low or moderate competition
● Specific details

Website Hacking

11 Reasons Why Hackers Want To Hack Your Website

By | Search Engine Optimizaion, Website

A hacker is a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. And the process of gaining unauthorized access is called hacking. There are several reasons why hackers hack websites. Knowing these reasons can help you improve your website security. Therefore, in this blog post, we are going to list the top reasons why hackers want to hack your website. Keep these points in mind while securing your website.

1. To steal data

You might have already guessed this one. One of the most important reasons for hackers hacking your website is your data. They want to gain the data on your website. The data may be of your customers, employees or business. In most of the cases, hackers target big businesses to get more attention. Here are the two popular examples.

Ashley Madison and the Starbucks app hack had rocked the Internet. Especially, the former one. In Ashley Madison hack, hackers were able to breach the web security and get access to all the private data including private photos of world-famous celebrities. So, if you have sensitive data on your website, you need to be extra careful.

Most of the time, hackers also steal information to study your personal identity and then use the same thing to transfer money, get a loan, etc. These hacking incidents have increased, especially after the inception of Internet banking and mobile banking. Some of the businesses that were hacked in the past are Yahoo, eBay, Sony, Adobe, etc.

Although many hacks have shocked the Internet world, people still believe that this cannot happen to them. This ignorance further makes an easy way for hackers to steal your sensitive information.

2. To steal money

The next big reason for hacking a website is money. Most of the hackers prefer money over the data. With the increase in online banking, it has become easy for hackers to hack your website and steal your money. Most of the time they just look for the security vulnerability in the website of fairly big businesses.

The day they get any security vulnerability they will exploit it to make your balance nil. So, if your website deals money, hire a web security expert to maximize the security, so that you have 360° protection.

3. To disrupt services

Hackers usually like to take websites down. And when they do, they leave a statement on the website. They do this by manufacturing bots that overwhelm a server with traffic, which leads to a crash. This is popularly known as Denial of Service attack (DoS) and is capable of putting a company’s website out of service.

In the last couple of years, DDoS attacks have become popular. DDoS stands for Disturbed Denial of Service. This type of attack is carried out by using multiple infected systems so that the single major system leads to denial of service. These two are not the only methods to disrupt services. A hacker can use one among many other methods.

Infecting a large network with malicious software installed onto one computer is also a common method used by hackers. This is usually done via email. This leads to a chain reaction affecting the whole network. As a result, the server is disrupted.

4. To make a point

 If you think hacking is done only for the sake of money and information, then you are wrong. There are some interesting hackers out there. They do hacking to make a point. They do not care about money or data. In fact, they have some other purposes. Let us give you an example.

In the first point, we have already mentioned about Ashley Madison hack and explained how it rocked the digital world. In this particular website hack, the hackers had account details of 32 million users. After hacking they left a message on the website to inform everyone about what they thought about the website. The message was clear that the service like this one was immoral.

So, here, in this case, the hackers were not looking to make money. They were trying to make a point, which they did.

5. To get attention

This might surprise you. A lot of hackers are young. And they sometimes do hacking for surprising reasons. Here are some surprising reasons that motivate a hacker to hack a website:

  • To kill boredom
  • To compete with other hackers
  • To gain name and fame
  • To have fun

When the hacking is done for these purposes, no money is asked. It eventually exposes certain vulnerabilities. In the end, you can improve the overall security efforts.

6. To leak the sensitive information

This is also one of the common reasons why hackers hack a website. In most of the cases, the hacker hacks personal and private data and leaks them. The main motive behind leaking sensitive information is to take revenge.

Leaking sensitive information will kill the credibility of the business. As a result, the company loses its online reputation. For this reason, website security is one of the most important aspects of online reputation management. In addition to that, when your website is hacked, it takes your website ranking to the lowest. Therefore, even SEO experts emphasize website security.

So, if you collect user information, you must never overlook site security. It is always a good option to contact a web security expert.

7. To vandalize a website

This type of harm is usually caused when the website runs an ideology that is completely opposite to the hacker’s ideology. Therefore, most of the time political and religious websites are targeted and vandalized. However, this can also be done to deface a certain popular figure and cause severe damage to his public image.

Here the main aim is to hurt religious and political sentiments. Sometimes this type of hacking is done for fun without any political intention. The other categories of websites that suffer vandalism are school, college, institution and organization websites. In most of the cases, the students of an institution hack its website.

If you own a school, college, institution or organization websites, then encourage your students or employees to embrace ethical hacking. Use their knowledge to strengthen your security system.

8. To spread viruses

A virus is a code which is capable of copying itself and has a severe effect such as corrupting the system and harming the data. Sometimes hackers hack a website to spread these viruses so that they hack several other websites.

Hackers achieve this by writing malicious code into the backend or with files they have uploaded for download on the front end. When the site visitors interact with such content, it gives hackers an opportunity to steal visitors information.

9. To steal server bandwidth

This is another common reason why hackers try to hack your website. Hackers use this bandwidth to host their own activities, for example, bitcoin mining and brute force attacks on other websites.

It is easy to prevent bandwidth theft. A simple Google search will give you all the necessary information including causes, prevention, and solution. Here is the guide to prevent bandwidth theft or hotlinking.

10. To host legitimate pages on your web server

It is not common these days, but one cannot guarantee that this is not going to happen. Hackers try to host legitimate pages on your web server to improve their own search engine optimization (SEO). These pages talk about them and link back to their websites. In other words, they try to build links illegally.

11. To host phishing pages

Phishing refers to a malicious individual or group of individuals who scam the people on the Internet. This is commonly done by two methods. That is either by sending an email or by creating webpages. Since our blog post is on the topic “11 reasons why hackers what to hack your website”, we will discuss how hackers achieve this by creating web pages.

By creating fake web pages on your website, they attempt to collect information from your website visitors who are willing to give it. They usually do this by embedding a contact form on one of your web pages and asking the visitors to enter their information.

What do all the hacked websites have in common?

Lack of website security is common among all the hacked websites. A recent study tells us that online hacks cost medium and small sized businesses nearly 200 thousand dollars every single year. The study also revealed that more than 60% of these businesses normally shut down their businesses, as they cannot survive the damages caused. All this can be easily avoided if you have a proper security system.

How can you protect your website?

There is a lot that you can do to protect your website. For now, we are giving some top tips that will help you to protect your business site, here we go.

  • Backup your site frequently
  • Secure your site at all levels
  • Make use of security plugins
  • Use SSL certificates
  • Use unique and strong passwords
  • Hire a professional



Marketing Influence

7 Reasons To Work With An Influencer

By | Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimizaion, Social Media Marketing

In the last couple of years, the role of influencer marketing has significantly grown in digital marketing. So, what exactly is influencer marketing? It is a type of marketing where the focus is on influential people rather than the target market on social media. Here the individuals who have influence over potential customers are identified, and the marketing activities are carried out. Since influencer marketing can positively impact your business, there are many reasons to work with an influencer. In the blog post, we are covering the top seven reasons. Let us begin.

1. Influencers create fresh content

One of the biggest advantages of working with an online influencer is that you get to have fresh high-quality content. And superior content is important for both ranking higher on search engine results page and attracting new customers.

An average online influencer is in this business for many years, he knows how to create a content that people like to consume and move towards sales. Very few people understand the importance of this fact. Many business owners fail to discover all the topics that someone from the outside world would be eager to read. And if at all, the business owners are successful in writing the need of potential customers, the content may not get the visibility and credibility it should.

2. Influencers can bring new followers

One of the main reasons to work with influencers is that they can attract new visitors. Here micro-influencers play a major role. A micro influencer is an influencer whose number of social media followers fall between 2000 to 50000. The number may look less, but the good part is that these micro-influencers have dedicated following. In other words, their followers are active. They believe the expertise of the online influencer.

Some brands try to reach their potential customers via having active social media presence or email marketing. Although these are the best practices in both search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM), an influencer can do the same thing on a wider scale and bring other benefits such as higher brand awareness and brand visibility. So, it makes sense to run social media marketing and email marketing campaign, along with taking help of online influencers.

3. Online influencers improve SEO

Business owners usually take the help of online influencers to gain certain business goals. Some of those are higher visibility, more reach, improved engagement, solid online reputation, and lead generation. However, a very small number of people know that online influencers do improve search engine ranking. As a result, only fewer people attempt to enhance SEO.

Whenever an online influencer creates content and links it to your website, it works like a magic. It simply takes your incoming traffic to another level. If done correctly with right quality and quantity, it elevates search engine ranking of your website. So, share the content created by the influencers on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and link it to your website.

4. Influencers are conversation starters

Influencers are good at creating content as well as conversations. With years of experience, they know how to speak to your audience. No matter what type of audience you have, they know how to engage and interact with them.

Moreover, you cannot be the only one to praise your products and services. Doing so can do no good. Self-praise never works in marketing. So, when the words from an influencer come out people tend to believe it. In the end, credibility matters the most. If you are able to reach thousands of people, but if no one is believing you, then it is waste of time, money and efforts.

So, if someone, who is not related to your business, is expressing a good opinion about you, then that is considered a credible signal. As a result, emotion and interest of the people shoot up. In the end, they prefer to choose you over your competitors.

5. Influencers generate sales

No matter what digital marketing strategy, method or type you opt, the ultimate goal is to generate sales. It is the sole purpose of your both marketing and business. In the past couple of years, influencer marketing has become one of the leading methods to generate sales. However, that does not mean you need to depend solely on this method. It makes sense to run SEO, SMM, and other digital marketing strategies parallelly.

So, it makes sense to go for influencer marketing. The main question you need to ask here is how many influencers are required. There is no simple answer to this question. The answer depends on various factors such as a size of business, type of business, business goals, type of audience, budget, and type of services and products you sell. Considering all these points, you can judge yourself. SEO experts usually do not recommend settling with one influencer.

6. Influencers establish customer relationships

It is an obvious fact that influencers have a strong relationship with their followers. Over the years, they have gained the trust of the people. Their followers trust their opinion and expertise. So, partnering with the influencers gives access to a solid relationship. It is a kind of shortcut. The good thing is that one influencer can open the door to a lot of connections. This positive wave can spread like a wildfire.

The other positive aspect of a good customer relationship is that it builds a strong online reputation. This is the reason why working with influencers is one of the most-used techniques to establish a solid online reputation within a short period of time.

7. Influencer marketing is a solution for ad blockers

The hard truth is that nobody likes Internet ads. Internet users are using tools to avoid online ads. Today, it is quite easy to install the ad blocker extension in all the popular browsers. In fact, It hardly takes one or two minutes. Many studies have revealed that one out of nine mobile Internet users uses an ad blocker. It simply means more than half a billion people across the world. Furthermore, the usage of ad blockers is growing at an annual rate of 30%. So this issue has become a big headache to digital marketers.

The advantage of working with online influencers is that you bypass ad blockers. In other words, you can reach the target audience without facing any obstacles.

youtube channel optimization

11 Ways To Optimize Your Business YouTube Channel

By | Digital Marketing, Google, Social Media Marketing, Website

Before we begin, let us have a look at some interesting facts about YouTube.

  • Did you know? YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.
  • 60% of people prefer online video platforms to live television.
  • YouTube is the third most visited site in the world after Google and Facebook.
  • The average mobile viewing session in this platform is more than forty minutes.
  • On an average, YouTube gets more than one billion views per day.
  • You can navigate YouTube in more than 70 languages.
  • The above figures are enough to show the importance of YouTube in digital marketing. So, if you do not own a YouTube video channel for your business yet, you should set up one soon. However, just setting up a channel is not going to work. You have to optimize it just like you optimize your business website. So, in this blog post, you will learn how to optimize your YouTube channel to improve reach and show up in its search, and suggested videos.

1. Plant a keyword into your channel name

On-page metadata in youtube works the same as it does on your business website. The positive impact of keywords usually depends on the place it is used. Keywords that are placed near the front of a title will obviously work like a magic. However, have you ever thought of adding a keyword in your channel name? It is one of the rarest shortcuts in search engine optimization.

For example, instead of ‘Business name,’ try ‘Business name + keyword.’ Make sure the keyword which you use is related to your industry, service, product or any item that you are well recognized with. SEO experts usually suggest to do keyword research and find out the best possible keyword that your visitors use to find the content you share on the video platform.

2. Fill out About Us section

About Us, a page is the most overlooked aspect of a YouTube channel. Even today business owners, marketers, digital marketing partners do not have a clear idea of what should be written in the About us section. Some say company history or business mission should be written, while others say previous achievements.

Not many people know that the first 48 characters of the About Us show up in the YouTube search results. Hence, filling out this section is the must. Doing so will help your visitors understand who you are and what you do. Furthermore, the same content helps the YouTube to put up the best snippet for the content.

The rest of the content present in the About Us page is equally important. This content will help you to do two jobs simultaneously. On one side, you can fully describe what your channel is all about, the type of content you produce, and the goals you want to achieve. On the other side, you can optimize the About Us section with the keywords. Make sure that your keywords match the content and appear natural. Do not overdo it, Google doesn’t like keyword stuffing.

Just in case, if you are not sure about keywords, you can use these tools to find them.

  • YouTube Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Moz
  • SEMrush
  • Market Muse

3. Create long videos

The most important ranking signal is “video watch time” or “audience retention.” Watch time can be defined as the average time your viewers spend watching your videos. YouTube is more likely to promote your channel via search and recommended videos if you have a boost in your watch time. That is how this video sharing platform rewards a channel that creates good content.

You can improve your watch time if you publish videos that have a longer duration. Well, that is fundamental. Just length of the video is not the only factor to consider. Focus on the quality of the video too. Only if your videos are lengthy and filled with quality, people like to watch you. That is exactly how watch time is improved. Since SEO experts say that the average length of the videos in page one of YouTube is 14 minutes and 50 seconds, it is better to make videos that are in and around this length.

4. Concentrate on the first 15 seconds

In the previous point, we have discussed the watch time and how it impacts the visibility of your channel. If the viewers are hitting the back button after a couple of seconds, your watch time is destined to go low. As a result, the visibility of your YouTube channel shrinks. However, there is this tip or the best practice you can follow to avoid this issue.

Did you ever think what makes a viewer decide whether to hit the back button or continue watching the video? The answer is simple. Viewers have short attention time on Youtube. They will see your first fifteen seconds of your video, based on that experience they decide whether to stay or not. Therefore, the first 15 seconds of the videos play a crucial part. Make sure you have something in the first 10 to 20 seconds of the videos that glues your viewers.

Here are the best practices to improve watch time:
Preview: At the beginning of the video itself state what is your video about and what are your viewers going to gain from it. After seeing the preview, your viewers will be more likely to stick on the video for a longer period of time. For instance, you can add a 20-seconds section called “What you are going to learn in this episode?” at the beginning of a video.
Proof: Explain how your pitch has worked and back it up with previous success stories. For example, “Our clients have tried this strategy many times, and it worked.”
Preview: The preview which we have earlier talked is different from this one. Keep this preview bit lengthy compared to the earlier one and also be more specific. Here you should show fresh information that viewers have not seen before this point. For instance: “Here are the 10 ways to optimize your YouTube channel.”

5. Optimize your channel trailer

What is a channel trailer? It is a small video created to help visitors learn about a YouTube channel. This is something similar to movie trailers. Make sure you enable the channel trailer. Doing so will display the trailer automatically at the top of your YouTube channel Page for new visitors.

This trailer is a visual About Us of a Youtube page. Since it is not displayed for the already subscribed viewer, it is a great medium to convert your new visitors into subscribers. Here are the best practices you need to follow while creating a channel trailer:

  • Keep your channel trailer in between 30 to 90 seconds.
  • Give a quick intro of you and your channel.
  • Explain the type of videos you are going to post.
  • Include frequency and timing of your posting.
  • Ask to subscribe.

6. Post compelling thumbnail

Thumbnails act like a door to your videos. A viewer judges a channel based on many things such as business name, length of a video, quality of a video, channel trailer, and thumbnails. Since we already talked about the rest, let us discuss thumbnails at this point.

Youtube advertises other videos through thumbnails in its sidebar. So you need to put efforts to make your thumbnails unique and attractive. The same thing happens when your video is listed after a search is conducted on Youtube.

Youtube usually ranks a video with great thumbnail better than the others, even if the quality is not that high. This is because good thumbnails improve click-through rate, which is also a ranking factor. Here are some tips for creating thumbnails.

  • Use large texts, so that viewers can read.
  • Make use of arrow and other symbols.
  • Mark or highlight important region.
  • Add unexpected, surprising or unusual pictures related to the video.
  • Make sure picture quality is high.

7. Make playlists

Playlists help you to organize your YouTube channel. So, with the help of playlists try to keep the videos in a categorical format. Making playlist will improve your Youtube channel optimization efforts in multiple ways. Here we are mentioning some.

  • Provides more visibility for not so popular videos.
  • Increases the rank of a video.
  • Motivates you to create videos with better content.
  • Improves watch time sessions.
  • Enhances user experience by providing related videos.
  • Here are the steps you need to follow to create a playlist on Youtube.
  • Go to the video you want to add in a playlist.
  • Click on “add to” under the video.
  • Next, click on create a new playlist, and enter the name of the playlist.
  • Go through the privacy carefully.
  • Click on the create button.

8. Promote your videos on social media

Just ask yourself one simple question. How your customers will come to know about your YouTube channel and videos? The answer to this is social media marketing. Promoting your videos on social media is a part of SMM strategy. It will help you to target a new audience. As a result, the traffic from social media will flow towards your channel.

A platform such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Pinterest have millions and millions of users. If you do it in the right way, you can utilize these platforms to improve ranking and subscribers. Here are some ways to utilize social media platforms.

  • Inform your followers about the upcoming videos.
  • Discuss the content in the videos in the comment section.
  • Collect the feedback to improve the quality of videos.
  • Release the trailer on social media, so that people will know when the video will be available and what it is about. In short, you can promote as well as create suspense among followers.
  • Engage your audience by asking a fun question, and also answers their questions.
  • Share the videos that have fewer numbers of views.
  • Repost the videos that were successful in the past, so that your new followers do not miss them.

9. Say keywords in the video

One of the lesser-known facts about Youtube videos is that content spoken in the video can technically impact the search engine ranking. Yes, Google has made some changes in its algorithm. Now the algorithm can crawl videos, images, and transcriptions. So, anything you say in the video can either positively or negatively influence your ranking.

Therefore, along with putting the keyword in the title of your video, you must say keywords throughout the video to ensure a higher ranking. Note that you do not overdo it. Let your keywords appear natural and match the content of the video. Saying the keyword numerous times is considered as stuffing, Google punishes such activities by lowering the ranking. So, read the Youtube guidelines, and stay on the safer side.

10. Gain user interaction signals

Along with watch time, video length, title, description and click through rate, user interaction is also an important ranking signal. These signals help search engines to understand how active your audience is and how much authority you have on a particular subject.

As a business owner, your job does not finish after creating high-quality content. In fact, your work begins with creating the fresh superior content. So, once you post the video, you should focus on generating user interaction signals. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Share the videos on Facebook, Twitter, and other similar platforms.
  • Join the conversation taking place in the comment section.
  • Link your videos to other videos of your channel.
  • Encourage your viewers to comment on their views and opinions.
  • Be gentle to criticism and publicly accept the mistakes committed.

11. Compelling language and year

Last but not least, language and year are the important ingredients to increase reach and views. Here is how they play their part in your Youtube success story.

The language you use plays a role of attracting the visitors and improving click-through rates. Along with the video quality, a compelling language used in the title is equally important. Make sure you write video titles in such a way that all the videos appear as a part of one collection.

The other smart method to improve click-through rate is by adding a year. For instance, “Places to visit in England, 2019” looks a lot better and up to date than just “Places to visit in England.” Although the year is irrelevant in this case, it still tells the viewers about the freshness of the content. As a result, viewers usually tend to click the video that has a year in its description.

quality content

7 Ways To Create Quality Content

By | Content Creation, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimizaion, SEO & PPC

All the major types of digital marketing methods such as search engine optimization (SEO) pay per click (PPC), social media marketing (SMM) and email marketing largely depend upon quality content. In fact, you simply can’t run any of these digital marketing campaigns without content. Therefore, high-quality content is absolutely fundamental in digital marketing.

This gives rise to one important question – what is high-quality content? In simple words, quality content is an original content that adds value to the visitors, improves SEO, and converts visitors into customers. Defining quality content is an easier task than developing the same. However, if you focus more on visitors than on your search engine ranking, your job becomes easy. In this blog post, you will learn the top seven ways to create high-quality content.

1. Develop original content

You cannot rank your web page with the help of copied content. Google detects duplicate content within in seconds and penalizes your site. As a result, your search engine ranking may hit rock bottom. You may have to go for penalty recovery services.

Original content refers to a content that is a product of your thinking, and nothing else. Some people try to spin the article and cheat the search engine. Yes, there are many free article spinning tools available on the Internet. All you need to do is copy the content from a site, and paste it into an article spinner tool, and click on spin. Within a couple of seconds, you will get fresh content. However, the quality of such content is always very low. Since article spinners just rephrase a paragraph, most of the time the sentences do not even make sense.

So, if you want to develop quality content, then you have to forget these two things and focus on the uniqueness of the content. Google likes the content which is liked by the people. So, focus more on providing answers to the questions of the visitors.

2. Create compelling headlines

How do you decide to read a news article? By reading the headline, right? The same thing works here also. Your headlines act like a door for your content. They will decide whether the visitors are going to read your content or not. Here are the two statistics to back our claim:
80% of the people read headlines.
Only 20% of those people read the full content.
Make sure your headlines create curiosity in the minds of readers. Let us take an example. If you are creating content on types of business owners, then your headline should raise a question in the minds of them. ” Seven Types of Business Owners – Which Group Is You In?” creates more curiosity than “Seven Types of Business owners.”

Take time to write headlines. Prefer to write the content first and headline last. While writing you may get some good headline ideas, which you can note down. In the end, you can select the best one. This will save your time.

3. Create actionable content

What was the last article you wrote? Did it give advice on how your readers can apply the given information straight away? If no, you must focus on this aspect.

Content created by you should give the readers a sense of how to utilize the information. Users tend to like the content that guides them to apply the knowledge. For instance, “10 ways to create quality content” looks better than “10 aspects of good-quality content.” The former helps the users to create quality content, whereas the latter just describes the ingredients. So, write all your future blog posts keeping this thing in mind.

4. Try to add images and videos

Visual content enhances your overall content. There is a reason why kids like books which have more pictures. That is because they are engaging, and they also help them to understand quicker and better. The same things apply to blog and website content.

Paragraphs of texts are boring. Hardly anyone likes to read them. So, make sure you add high-quality pictures and videos. Also, make sure they are original. Do not add any images just for the sake of adding. If you put any image or video, make sure it has a role to play in your content. Adding unnecessary visual content can distract the readers and dilute the value of your content.

5. Keep to the point

Yes, Google likes lengthy content. That does not mean you should simply increase the length of the content. Doing so can reduce the quality of the content and spoil the readability.

Users usually want to know more in less time. So it makes sense to say things using fewer sentences. Who does not like to the point articles or blog posts? Increase the length of the content only if there is a scope. In most of the cases, lengthy text increases the bounce rate, as they are time-consuming and less interesting. As a result, your search engine optimization efforts will get spoiled. So, say no to fluff that dilutes your content.

6. Do proper research

This is one of the most important steps you need to take before writing the blog? Select a topic. Once you select the topic, do research and find out what is already written about it. Try to figure out what is missing in those blogs and make a note. Think what new you can add to the topic.

The other thing you should do is find what are the most shared contents in the topic selected by you. This will help you to opt the topics. There are several tools available on the Internet to do this job. You can try BuzzSumo. It helps you to find the most shared content for a particular topic under all social media platforms.

7. Aim to engage the audience

Audience engagement is one of the main goals you should try to achieve. That is because engaged audience hangs on to your every single word and grabs all of it. The only way to obtain engaged audience is to create engaging content. Here are the best practices to improve audience engagement:
End with the questions: Now this does not mean you have to write an incomplete post. We mean you should end the blog with a question that encourages them to utilize the information given by you.
Have a solid beginning: People will not read your full content and make a judgment. Rather they read a headline and first paragraph and decide whether to read or not. So it makes sense to tell why they should care to read and what will they learn from it, at the beginning, itself.
Tell a story: You might already know that people love stories. A story can help you to tell a point clearly. Furthermore, you can easily gain uninterrupted audience attention for a long period of time.
Try to gain user interaction: If you write a content that attracts a lot of user comments, the search engine will believe that you have good content and rank it higher. So, try to obtain people’s interaction.

google my business

Google My Business FAQs

By | Digital Marketing, Google, Online reputation, Website

Google My Business is a free tool for business owners to manage their online presence across Google Search and Google Maps. It helps your customers to find you when they search for a business like yours. Hence having a Google My Business page is an integral part of digital marketing. If you have not claimed your listing yet, do it now.

If you are a new business owner, or if you are new to Google My Business, you may have many questions. To answer all your queries, we are listing all the common Google My Business frequently asked questions, and answering them. Read this blog post, and get all the answers for your queries at one place. Here we go.

1. What is Google My Business Q&As?

Google wants to provide all the information at one place. A typical Google My Business page has information about opening and closing times, address, contact number, reviews, map, pictures, directions, link to the business website and business description. These are the most basic questions that potential customers try to find an answer before making a contact.

However, there can be some more questions that should be answered. For instance, whether the business has a parking space? Or is the business handicap friendly? So, Google has smartly come up with the GMB Q&As. Google My Business Questions and Answers are crowdsourced. In other words, anyone can question, and anyone can answer the question. The best part is that your customers will get to know your business more closely. In addition to that, you will know what are the consumer concerns and how to satisfy them.

2. How much does it cost?

Google My Business is absolutely free. Do not pay any kind of amount to any person. There are many scams that try to charge you for setting up your GMB page. Do not fall for these scams. Setting up Google My Business is as simple as creating a Facebook account. Adding the correct business name, phone number, address, description, pictures and videos, and other important details is all it takes to set up. The whole process is, simple, effortless, and less time-consuming. Even a person who is new to Google My Business can create his page within a couple of minutes.

3. Why do I need Google My Business If I already have my own website?

GMB is not a substitute for your website. Your website and Google My Business page, go hand in hand. So, having both a website and Google My business account can work in favor of you and improve your search engine optimization and other digital marketing efforts.

The main purpose of Google My Business is to give your local business a public identity and presence on Google, so that, when a customer searches for a business like yours reaches you. In simple words, the information you provide can appear on Google Search and Maps and help your website to get more exposure and customers. Since Google My Business costs nothing, there is no reason to ignore it.

4. Does Google My Business have a mobile app?

Yes, Google My Business has a mobile app, and it is free. And this is one of the reasons why people love GMB. The mobile app allows you to do everything you do in your web account. Here are the main features:
Edit or add new information directly through the Profile Editor.
Click photos and enhance them with a range of excellent filters, and post in your Profile.
Create posts for new events, offers, and launches.
Know who is interacting with your GMB profile, and continue the connection. You can do this by using Customer tab. A Customer tab allows you to respond to reviews, messages directly with customers.
So, it can be said that Google makes it easy to manage your Google My Business page by providing a free mobile application.

5. Do I need to create a business website?

No. It is not necessary to build a website to create a Google My Business page. However, it will be good if you own a website. Just like social media accounts or pages boost the visibility of your business website, Google My Business improves organic traffic.

The good news is that Google My Business offers you to generate a simple website for free. Google does this with the help of website builder, which uses the information present in Google My Business profile. Although this website will be a simple one, you can customize it to suit your business.

6. How do I manage multiple business locations?

This is one of the frequently asked Google My Business questions. Managing multiple business locations is easy with Google My Business. Based on the number of location, there are two methods. If there are few locations, you can set up every single location under one Google login. In case, if you have ten or more locations, you can use the bulk upload tool. A bulk upload tool is a tool which helps you to upload numerous business locations at once. If you want to upload or edit your locations, you can go to Google My Business Locations.

7. What should I do if my listing is claimed by someone else?

In rare cases, you can see a “someone else has already verified this listing” message when you try to verify your Google My Business listing. If this is the case, then you have nothing to worry. GMB gives you an option to reclaim your listing. All you need to do is a request for admin rights and submit a transfer of the ownership request. Google will try to contact the existing owner to verify the transfer. If the owner does not respond within the period of seven days, then the current owner is unverified, and a verification code is sent to confirm his or her identity.

8. I am an individual practitioner. Can I set up a Google My Business listing?

Yes, it is possible. In fact, Google My Business is more popular among local business and individual practitioners such as lawyers, tutors, doctors, dentists, real estate agents, carpenters, painters, electricians or plumbers. What if there are multiple practitioners who belong to a common organization at one location? Digital marketing experts usually advise creating a listing for all the practitioners separately, in such cases. Not doing so will affect the visibility of the individual practitioners of the same organization. As the result, having a listing will not serve the purpose of owning a listing.

9. Can I skip business address on Google as I work from home?

No, you cannot leave the address field blank. However, Google My Business provides an option that resolves this issue. That is you can hide your business address by listing your business as a service area. Google gives you an option to provide the areas and cities that you cover. You can also choose to remove a service area entirely. If you are not sure about the service area listed in the GMB listing, you can go now and update the location.

10. I am shifting to a new address. How to update?

In most cases, the new address might be occupied by a business before you. If this is the case, then you must find out who the business owner is and mark the listing as closed. Closing the old listing before updating your new address is important for two reasons. One, customers of old business will not mistake you for the old business in your new address. Two, your potential customers will contact you at the correct place. Once the address is changed, your other information can also change such as a phone number, and office hours. So update all the information.

What if your new address is not occupied by a former business? Well, this makes your work easy. The only thing you need to do is update your listing.