Gone are the days when people had a desktop as the only option to access the Internet. Today things have changed; one can surf the Internet using various devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc. And that is the reason why your website needs to provide good user experience across all the screen sizes. Here are the top six reasons why your website needs to be mobile friendly.
1. Mobile Friendliness Influences Search Ranking
Google has made two things clear from its mobile-friendly update. One, websites which are not mobile friendly are going to be penalized. Two, websites which are mobile friendly will be rewarded by improving its search engine ranking. Carryout mobile-friendly test to know whether your site is mobile friendly.
2. Dominance Of Mobile Traffic
Number of mobile Internet users has already surpassed the number desktop Internet users. This dominance of mobile traffic over desktop traffic makes Mobile SEO absolutely fundamental. Not having a mobile-friendly website usually leads to a poor user experience and causes a higher bounce rate. As a result, you will lose a majority of the potential customers.
3. User Behaviour
User behavior changes from device to device. Very fewer people know that mobile users tend to spend more money than computer users. That is exactly why providing poor mobile experience reduces the sales. Make sure that your website is properly optimized for mobile, and gain seamless sales.
4. Gain Local Customers
Local customers are more likely to make a purchase within 24 hours after the Google search. A mobile-friendly site can quickly convert these potential customers into customers. Here, proper display of a website is just only one feature. Mobile friendly websites have many other features that enhance the whole experience of a user. Below are the fundamental features of a mobile-friendly site:
● Loads quickly
● Have one-click call feature
● Maps and directions
● Make a reservation, etc.
5. Enhances Social Media Marketing
Studies reveal that approximately 90% of the Internet users use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. through their mobile. Hence, if you are running an SMM campaign, you should expect a huge mobile traffic to your website. If your website gives a poor mobile experience, you may not retain the traffic from social media. As the result of which, you will have limited conversions.
6. Desktop Users Are Also Mobile Users
You might already know that computer users, and mobile users overlap. In other words, the majority of the people use both mobile and desktop to access the Internet. A user may collect information about your product or service on a computer, and may decide to make a purchase using a mobile, or vice versa. Either way, it is going to affect the conversion rate. Making your website mobile friendly can fix this issue.