What Is AMP and How It Benefit Your Site

By February 18, 2018 November 15th, 2018 AMP, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimizaion
accelerated mobile pages

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is an open-source project tailored to aid web publishers in the construction of mobile-optimized content that loads rapidly across all devices. With AMP, Google wants the same code to run on various devices or platforms and make the content appear instantaneously.

The median time for AMP-coded content is 0.7 seconds, whereas for non-AMP pages it is 22 seconds. We all know; nobody likes to wait to fetch information from the Internet. To ensure optimal user-experience for a web surfer, it is important to make the pages quicker. AMP ensures exactly that.

How Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Can Benefit Your Site

According to a survey, approximately half of the Internet users expect a page to load within 2 seconds, and they tend to hit the back button from the site which takes more than 3 seconds to load. All though AMP fixes this problem, it is not limited to it. There are various other benefits that an AMP can bring to your site. Below are the most important ones.

1. Lightning Speed

That’s obvious, isn’t it? The purpose of AMP is to make a web page load quickly, and it serves that purpose very well by loading a page 15%-85% quicker than the normal ones. The speed of a website is an important factor for user-experience. Pages that load quickly provides a great user-friendly experience to visitors and makes them to stick to your website for a longer period.

2. Better Mobile Ranking

Currently, AMP is not an independent ranking factor, but still it can help you to improve your search engine ranking indirectly. AMP enhances mobile friendliness and page load speed times. These two factors have been the important ranking signal, which helps you to elevate your mobile ranking. Higher ranking in mobile search results brings more traffic to your website, and also builds credibility to attract new visitors.

3. Amplified Attention

Google is displaying Lightning Bolt symbol for Accelerated Mobile Pages. Users tend to love pages that load quickly. By displaying a small Lightning Bolt symbol in search results, Google is helping web surfers to identify pages that load quickly. Consequently, an Internet user will know the pages that load quickly, in the results page itself. As users tend to prefer quicker pages, click through rate of your website will automatically improve.

4. Depreciated Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate can be defined as the percentage of visitors who exit a given website after viewing only one page. Slow page loading time has been the major reason for higher Bounce Rate. With improved page loading time, your visitors will have no reason to abandon your website, on contrary they tend to stick to your website for a longer period of time. Due to this fact, bounce rate of your site reduces drastically.

5. Offers Crucial Analytics

Website visitor data play a significant role in the search engine optimization, as it exhibits visitors’ behaviour. AMP takes this fact into account and makes things easy for you. There are two tags available for the publishers to track visitor data:
● Visitor Counts
● New/returning Visitors
● Clicks
● Link Tracking, etc.

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