Tips To Reduce Your Web Page Load Time

By July 21, 2018 November 16th, 2018 Search Engine Optimizaion, Website
web Page Speed Optimization

Page load time is an important part of user experience. If you want to give a good user experience to your visitors, then you need to keep your page load time to the minimum. Apart from that page load time is a ranking factor and one of the key aspects of search engine optimization (SEO). Therefore, today, we are presenting tips to reduce your web page load time.

Know Your Present Page Speed

There are several tools available on the Internet to check the current speed of your web page. Most of these online tools will not only find your page speed but also give some valuable inputs and suggestions to fix existing issues. Below are the popular online tools to check page speed:
● Google’s Page Speed Insights
● GTMetrix
● Yahoo’s Yslow

Opt The Hosting Option That Matches Your Needs

Beginners usually opt the one which costs less. Usually, there is less traffic in the beginning. Cheap hosting may work good for a while, but when you start to gain traffic, you need to upgrade it. There are three different types of hosting available:
1. Shared Hosting
2. VPS Hosting
3. Dedicated Server

Shared hosting is the cheapest among the three hosting options. Here you share some resources like CPU and disk space with other sites. It hardly costs you 5 to 6 British Pounds.

Similar to Shared Hosting, in VPS hosting you have to share your server, but there is a difference. Here you have dedicated portions of the server’s resources.

Dedicated Server is for those, who don’t want to share the server. Here you are responsible for your maintenance. It gives you more space and complete control.

Minimize Your File Size

It is a well-known fact that small files open quickly. So it is one of the best practices to keep the file size to the minimum without compromising the quality. The best way to minimize your file size is by compressing it. Run a compression audit and compress all the files, which have a scope.

Enable Browser Caching

Here is how enabling browser caching makes your website to load faster on the visitors’ device. When visitors visit your site, the elements of your websites are stored in their hard drive in a cache. Therefore, when your visitors visit your site next time, your site opens quickly.

Deactivate Unnecessary Plugins

Using too many plugins may contribute to your web page load time and make your web page slow. Therefore, it is best to use only those plugins which are needed and skip the rest. Moreover, experts suggest to switch off the plugins, which are not in use.