When it comes to acquiring new customers, email marketing is 40 times more efficient than Facebook and Twitter combined. Rightfully email marketing is extremely popular. Due to this reason, there are so many studies, tips and discussions available on the Internet, which sometimes give rise to myths. In the article, we will list the most common email marketing myths that you shouldn’t believe.
MYTH 1: Email Marketing Is Dead
No, email marketing is not dead. On contrary, email marketing is as active as search engine optimization (SEO). It is the best marketing method we have in the marketing kingdom. For every $1 spent on email marketing, you gain $30. That is 3800% Return On Investment (ROI). No other marketing channels give you such extremely high return on investment.
MYTH 2: Customers Receive Too Many Emails Already
It sounds correct, isn’t it? Most of the people fall for this myth and avoid email marketing. The fact is that customers receive limited emails per day. Here are some eye-opening statistics:
● 60% of the people get less than six emails per day from the credible brands.
● 40% of above-mentioned people get less than three emails a day.
Therefore, you have plenty of scope to do effective email marketing.
MYTH 3: Send Your Emails In Evening 6
There are many myths related to the best time for sending emails. Some say weekdays are best, some say weekends, some say morning and others say evening. Following these trends may not be a good idea. If everyone is targeting same time, then the probability of getting clicks reduces. Moreover, 85% of people open the email two days later. Therefore, there isn’t any universal best time. It varies list to list. It is good to experiment and find out the best time.
MYTH 4: People Tend To Hit Spam Button
This is one of the most widespread myths, due to which people start to ignore email marketing. Yes, being flagged for sending spam is not at all good for an email marketing campaign. Fact is that people don’t tend to hit spam button. A study revealed that only 0.05% of people who receive email hit the spam button. As long as you are sending valuable and helpful content, you have nothing to worry about.
MYTH 5: Don’t Send The Same Email Twice
If you want to begin an email marketing campaign, then you are more likely to receive this myth in form of a tip. A person might not have read your email for the first time. It is perfectly alright to send the same email again. There is no need to rephrase the entire email. Keep the below three important things in mind before resending an email.
● Prefer to resend only important emails.
● Modify the subject line such that the meaning remains same.
● Don’t hurry. Wait for at least 3 days before resending an email.