Social media marketing is one of the most favorite methods of digital marketing. It might look easy, but the fact is that there are many things to keep in mind while running a campaign. A successful social media marketing campaign has its own recipe. Adding right ingredients at right time and right place matter the most to make a social media campaign successful. Therefore, in this blog post, we are presenting six best practices to maximize your social media returns.
Respond Quickly
Gone are the days when people used to send mails and used to wait for the reply. If you are on social media, then people expect you to respond quickly. According to a study, 53 percent of people expect a brand to respond within an hour. That figure rises to 72 percent when they have grievances or complaints. Moreover, customers tend to engage and connect with the brands, which respond promptly.
Share The Conversation
If there is something that cannot be avoided, then it is unsatisfied customers. No matter what business you own, you will have unsatisfied customers. There is nothing you can do other than providing a good service and resolving the issue. Resolving problems makes an unsatisfied customer satisfied. Sharing those conversations makes you look like a mature and customer-oriented company.
Post Consistently At The Right Time
Posting on social media and praying for getting engagements is not going to work. Guess work is something which you shouldn’t do in social media marketing. Analyze the data and figure out the most suitable time to post. There are few tools available, which pick the right time to publish your posts. This actually reduces the negatives and improves audience engagement.
Measure Your Progress
You will not know your progress, until you measure it. Take it as a challenge and find out the impact of a social media campaign on your business. Knowing the impact precisely is important because it helps you to make better discussion regarding budget, technology, resources, etc. Taking right decisions at the right time keeps your business in the progressive path.
Know Your Customers
You can’t be a customer oriented company unless you know the customers. This is not only the important part of your marketing but also of your business. No business has grown big without knowing customer needs, concerns and expectations. Knowing your customer will help you to channelize your social media campaign effectively and quickly.
Emphasize Quality Over Quantity
Just like link building, even in social media marketing quality matters. Compromising quality over quantity might make your followers to unfollow you on social media. Put your efforts for creating quality content, which engages your followers, provide value to your audience and attract new people.