Simple and Effective Keyword Research Tips

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important part of search engine optimization (SEO). An effective SEO strategy and as well as a PPC campaign begins with the keyword research. If done right, keyword research will help you discover the right keywords that your potential customers use to reach a business like yours. Today, we are presenting some simple and effective keyword research tips that you need to keep in mind.

Identify Your Customers

A keyword research should always begin with customer identification. You should have a good understanding of your customers and their traits. That will make it easy for you to understand and list the different types of keywords or keyword combinations that your customers use to reach your products and services. Focus more on those keywords that have the buyer intent. For example, if a person search for “Samsung Galaxy On7 Nxt 32GB features,” then he is more likely to buy it. Here the key is to target those people who have an intent to buy your products and services.

Evaluate The Keywords

Once you know who your customers are and what they are looking for, you can begin the keyword research. There are many paid as well as free keyword research tools available on the Internet that can do a pretty good job. These tools will help you to discover relevant keywords and their variations. Also, you can inspect the competition over the specific keywords. Ranking your website on Google’s first page for the keywords that bring an extremely low website traffic is of no use. You should select those keywords that have high search volume and less competition.

Study Your Competitors’ High-Performance Keywords

In search engine optimization, the ultimate aim is to rank better than your competitors. Before you begin, you should have a clear idea about who your competitors are and what keywords they are aiming to rank for. There are tools available on the Internet that makes this job easy for you. SEMrush’s Position Tracker is one of the effective tools that help you to analyze your ranking for a particular keyword vs. your competitors. With the variety of tools available, you can easily discover which keywords are working for your competitors.

Add The Keywords In The Correct Places

When it comes to keyword optimization, the place where a keyword is added matters. Beginners usually tend to optimize the homepage with keywords and skip the rest of the web pages. Each and every page of your website where content is present is an opportunity to optimize it with relevant keywords. Include keywords in meta titles, descriptions, heading on the page and the content below the heading. Keep the content relevant to the keywords and make sure that keywords fit with the content very well without spoiling the readability.

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