How To Avoid Google Penalties

SEO Update

People usually use tricks available on the Internet to cheat Google and achieve higher search engine ranking. Google is continuously updating its algorithm to catch websites that use these tricks and penalize them. Google is the most widely used search engine. Getting a penalty from Google can harm your online presence adversely. Here are some tips to avoid Google Penalty.

Don’t Trade Links

We all know links are the key factor for search engine ranking. Many people try to find a quicker method to get them. That is why they either buy, sell or exchange links. Natural link building takes time, and Google knows it. Buying links will fetch you high quantity of low quality links within short time, which usually result in penalty. Focus on natural link building methods and follow Google guidelines.

Maintain Healthy Keyword Density

Avoid Keyword Stuffing, as it can be hazardous. Keyword Stuffing can be defined as the process of overloading a web page with the keywords to manipulate a website’s ranking. Google penalizes websites for keyword stuffing. To avoid penalty, add an optimum number of keywords in the suitable places without spoiling readability. Make sure that keywords look natural and mingle with the content.

Generate Genuine Content

Do not copy the content from other pages. Google can discover duplicated content almost instantly and harm your rank in search engine results page. Content is the soul of a website. A unique content makes your website unique. Concentrate on creating genuine and high-quality content that interests your niche and creates more user engagement.

Inspect Backlinks Regularly

It is a good practice to check backlinks regularly and ensure that you are not receiving bad links from spammy website. Sometimes your competitors can send bad backlinks to your site to harm your online presence. Use Google Search Console to check backlinks. If you find spammy links, then use disavow tool. With the help of this tool, you can tell Google not to count spammy links as links to your site.

Avoid Hidden Texts

Hidden text is also known as invisible text since it is invisible to human eyes. These texts are made invisible by choosing same color for both text as well as background. Hidden texts are used to load keywords and manipulate search engine ranking. It may be invisible for humans, but not for Google. Hidden text can trigger a penalty, and you may lose your hard-earned visibility.

Be Cautious With Guest Blogging

The biggest myth about guest blogging is that it is dead. The fact is that guest blogging is still practiced. Matt Cutts has announced that Guest Blogging can negatively affect your website. This is because, sometimes the incoming links from guest blogging are irrelevant and not helpful for readers. To avoid the Google penalty, ensure your content is totally relevant to the blog you are posting on.

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