

Googles disavow tool

How to remove Toxic or Bad Links Penalty using Google Disavow Tool

By | Backlinks, Google, Link Building, Uncategorized

Bad or Toxic Link occurs due to the number of Google Webmaster Guidelines violating factors namely building unnatural low-quality backlinks to your website, making use of the link exchange schemes, if you buy links from untrustworthy and low-quality SEO Company, etc.

What to do when you find a bad link in your site?

Google Disavow Tools is the first thing everyone gets in their mind if they find a bad link on their website, so what will the Disavow tool do?

Will it clear your bad links on the website? No, they provide the instruction to the search algorithm that they should not make use of them or count them when analyzing a site.

Steps to use Disavow Tool to abolish the Toxic or Bad Links

 Proceed below to check out the steps you can try to diminish the toxic list from your website.

 1. Try Manually

Before trying out the Disavow tool you need to check for the possibilities to remove them manually by yourself, it means outreaching.

If you can contact someone to remove the links, you can email them and request for the removal of links, and this will help in complete removal of the bad links rather than keeping it hidden from search engines.

 2. Sorting out the Toxic Links

There are some characteristics to consider when finding the bad links. You need to ask the below questions if you doubt specific links of your website,

  • If your anchor text and keywords are unnatural.
  • If you do not find a relevant content based on the topic.
  • If the link is in the footer but hidden at the back of HTML.
  • If the links redirect to an unconnected or unrelated page.
  • In the case of the links moving to spammy websites.

You can make use of Search Consoles to find these toxic links, so here are some of the illustrations you can follow.

  • Login to Search Console and click on the website property you need to analyze.
  • Check for the “Search Traffic” option located on your sidebar menu once you have clicked on the property.
  • Clicking the “Search Traffic” will result in a set of options and from that click on the “Links to your Site.”
  • You will get a page with all of your links listed, and click on the “Who links the most” section and choose “More” from it.
  • You will get a set of links listed, and those will be the domains that are linking to your website. You can download them for the future reference.
  • You will find two buttons at the top namely “Download more sample links” and “Download latest links” which will help in finding the right unnatural links to your site.

Apart from the search console, you can also make use of other backlink explorers namely Ahrefs, Majestic, Open Site Explorer, etc. To find out the toxic links.

 3. Organize your Toxic Links

You need to submit the set of toxic links in .txt when you disavow links, so make sure you change the format and then submit.

Converting them is not tougher, you just need to copy and paste them in a google document, and from the file, option click on “Download as ” and choose the plain text option so that you will have your toxic links organized in a text file. Make sure that every link is in the separate line while submitting the text file to the disavow tool.

How to Make use of Disavow tool now?

You can visit here to reach the Disavow tool; you need to choose the preferred website and click on the Disavow links. You will be redirected to a page with a warning in highlighted yellow color that you are going to do something irreversible and essential.

Just click on the “Disavow Links” to provide the instruction to the search engine not to consider the links. Once you have clicked the link, the tool will ask you to upload the text file with your toxic links, just choose the file and submit them.

Yeah! The work is done, you have stopped the bad links to show up on the search results using the disavow tool. Make sure you are not making the same mistake again.

Basic SEO Terms

25 Basic SEO Terms You Should Know

By | Backlinks, Link Building, PPC, Search Engine Optimizaion

New to the digital marketing world? Finding it hard to understand SEO and its fundamental terms? Don’t worry, we are presenting all the basic information that you are looking for. But before we begin let us understand what is SEO?

What Is SEO?
You might already know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But what exactly is Search Engine Optimization? It is the process of optimizing your website so that Google prefers to show it as a top result for the certain search terms.

25 Fundamental SEO Terms

Understanding basic SEO terms is essential to grasp the basics of SEO. Here are the basic SEO terms and definition you are looking for.

1. Title tag: Title tag, also known as the page title, is a .html tag. It tells both Google and the net surfers what your web page is about. One can see title tag on the tab of his or her Internet browser or in the headline of search results.

2. Meta Description: Similar to the title tag, a meta description is also a .html tag but has a different purpose. As the name indicates, a meta description is a description of a web page which appears in the search results.

3. Backlink: Backlink, or simply link, is a hyperlink on somebody else’s website pointing to your website. These links play an important part in SEO.

4. SERP: The full form of SERP is Search Engine Results Page. Whenever you enter a query, the search engine comes up with a page loaded with search results, which is known as SERP.

5. PageRank: Named after Larry Page, is an algorithm which Google uses to rank a website for specific search terms. Today, there are more than 200 factors that Google uses to rank a website.

6. Keyword: Keyword is one of the most-used SEO terms. It is nothing but the set of words that searchers use to find particular information, product or service on the Internet. For example, “Restaurants in London” is a keyword which users use to find a restaurant in London.

7. Anchor Text: A clickable text on a web page is called as anchor text. Keyword rich anchor text is used to improve search engine ranking. It basically tells the search engines what your website does.

8. Indexing: Indexing is a process where search engines like Google, Bing, etc. collect and store your data through their bots. In other words, indexing is the process of saving a copy of your web page in the database of a search engine.

9. NoFollow: Basically, NoFollow is a link attribute. It is used by the webmasters to tell Google that a link doesn’t have to be counted as a vote.

10. Keyword Density: Keyword Density is nothing but the number of times a keyword used in a page divided by the total number of words. Keeping a healthy keyword density is one of the best practices in SEO.

11. Sandbox: Google adds the newly indexed web pages in the sandbox. These web pages are not displayed in Search Engine Results Page until the website is thoroughly verified.

12. Cloaking: Cloaking is a black hat technique. Here a webmaster shows different content to the Google and the Internet surfers, which is against webmaster guidelines. Therefore, Google penalizes for this activity aggressively.

13. Robot.txt: It is a file, which is located in the root of a domain. Robot.txt instructs the Google bots about the structure of the site. This file prevents a search spider from crawling any specific section of a site.

14. Keyword Stuffing: Keyword Stuffing is a practice of adding a large number of keywords into a content to gain higher search engine ranking. Obviously, this is a black hat practice. Google penalizes websites that do keyword stuffing.

15. 301 Redirect: Deleting pages or changing URL is a common practice in the digital world. As the name indicates, 301 redirects will redirect your users from an old URL to the new or active one.

16. SEM: SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, it is nothing but the marketing of products or services through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEM is further divided into SEO and PPC.

17. PPC: Stands for Pay Per Click, it is an online advertising model, where an advertiser needs to pay only when someone clicks on their ad. PPC is also known as Cost Per Click (CPC).

18. Indexed Pages: Indexed pages are basically the pages of your website that are stored by search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing in their database. The process of storing is called indexing.

19. Inbound Link: A link in one site pointing to another site is called in the bound link. An inbound link enhances the SEO of a website and plays a major role in improving search engine ranking. It is also referred to as external link or backlink.

20. Internal Link: A link from one page of a site pointing to another page of the same site is called as an internal link. For instance, a link on your homepage pointing to your blog is an internal link.

21. Link Building: A process of gaining more inbound links to your site to obtain a higher position in Search Engine Results Page. From guest posting to blog commenting, Link Building can be done in many ways.

22. RSS Feed: Stands for Really Simple Syndication, it gives an option for your viewers to subscribe for getting notified whenever a new content is added.

23. Sitemap: A file that provides a map of all the pages on a site to the search engine for easy indexing. It can be created using various online tools available.

24. Traffic: In search engine optimization, traffic refers to the Internet surfers who visit your site. When someone says, “your site is getting a lot of traffic,” he or she actually means many people are visiting your site.

25. Ranking Factors: The factors that are used by search engine to determine the rank of a website for a particular keyword are called as ranking factors. Google uses more than 200 ranking factors to position a web page in SERP.

Tools For Checking Backlinks

6 Best Backlink Checker Tools For Your Website

By | Backlinks, Search Engine Optimizaion

We all know that backlinks are one of the most important ranking signals. That is the reason why a good SEO strategy emphasizes quality link building. One of the most important sources for the quality backlink is your competitor. You can spy on your competitors and find out from where they are getting their links. In this blog post, we are listing the top six backlink checker tools to analyze your site and your competitors site.


Ahrefs is one of the most helpful backlink checker tools we have. You can create a free account to determine various aspects of your backlinks such as:
● Total number of backlinks you currently have
● From where they are coming
● What anchor text is used
● And many others
If you are looking for further more detailed analysis, then go for the paid account and trace your progress over time.


This backlink checker tool can provide a lot of vital information. Just enter any URL, including backlinks, and get in-depth details. SEMrush gives you an option to track multiple competitor websites to get detailed data of the links. This tool gives a limited number of free searches, for more you need to go for a paid account.


Majestic is another awesome backlink checker tool. If you want to explore your own site, you can do it with a free account. If you need further more detailed information on your site, you should opt for paid plans, which range from $49.99/month to $399.99/month.

Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is an important part of webmaster tools that Google offers. Open search console, and select “Search Traffic” section, and check out “Links to your site.” Using this tool you can know various things about the links, such as:
● Total links to your site
● The most linked account
● Sites that link your site the most
● Anchor text used, etc.
The only limitation of this tool is that you can only analyze links on your own site.

Backlink Watch

Do you want to keep an eye or spy on your competitors? Backlink Watch is the best tool to get your work done. It gives important information like:
● Total number of links
● Page rank
● The anchor text used
● And many others
The best part of this backlink checker tool is that it is completely free. You can use it as many times as you can.

Link Diagnosis

Link Diagnosis is another easy to use backlink checker tool. All you need to do is enter your URL and hit the start button to obtain the report for associated backlink details. The report will contain the below details:
● Unique backlinks
● Popular anchor text
● Page rank for all the backlinks, etc.

Google Search Engine


By | Backlinks, Google

Google is the most popular and widely used search engine in the world. Using Google has become an important part of our lives. Today, we carry Google in our pockets and use it for everything from “knowing movie reviews” to “understanding gravitational waves.” At some point of the time we all have wondered, how Google comes up with amazing results for our query within no time. Let’s understand, how exactly Google does it.

But before that, you need to know how the Internet, web page, Google and user fit all together. Let us take an example: What do you do when you have a query and don’t know which books in the library have the information you need? Obviously, you take help of a librarian. A librarian understands your query and comes up with the best books matching your description by going through numerous books. The Internet works in the similar fashion. The Internet is like a library, websites are like books, and Google acts as a librarian.

Google’s follows two steps to provide relevant results to your query.

1. Crawling & Indexing
2. Ranking


Crawling is a process carried out to find new and updated pages. Crawling isn’t an easy job because there are billions of web pages worldwide. Google uses a huge set of computers to crawl these billions of web pages with the help of a program. This program is called as Googlebot. It is also known as a spider, bot or robot. Computer programs decide three things for a website:
● Which page to crawl
● How frequently to crawl
● How many pages to fetch

Spiders begin with fetching a couple of pages, and then they follow the links on that couple of pages and fetch the page they point to and follow all the links on those pages and so on until almost all web pages are covered. Google gathers web pages during the crawling process to create an index. This index is similar to an index present in the back of a book. Google index consists of words and their locations.


Whenever you Google search, algorithms look up your keywords in the index to find the appropriate web pages. For a search query, there are hundreds of web pages. In order to show the best web pages at the top and low-quality ones in the last, Google ranks the pages. Currently, there are more than two hundred ranking factors that Google uses to rank a page. Some of the most important ranking signals are given below:
● Content Quality
● Backlinks
● Mobile Friendly
● Speed
● Social Signals
● Security (HTTPS)
● User Experience

Link Building Services

Top Five Factors That Make A Backlink High-Quality

By | Backlinks

Quality of a backlink plays a vital role in search engine optimization (SEO). It can either elevate or drop your search engine ranking. Have you ever wondered what makes a backlink a high-quality backlink? Today, we will help you understand what are the factors that decide the quality of a backlink. Below are the top five factors that a quality of a backlink depends upon.


Domain age is the most important factor. Getting backlinks from an older website with consistent ownership is beneficial compared to newer websites. In a way, it tells the search engine that your backlink is reliable and high in quality. Therefore, always try to get links from the old websites. Few links from old websites are far better than several links from the new websites. In Link Building, quality matters the most. So, increase quantity of backlinks without compromising the quality.


Getting backlinks from a relevant source is one of the key factors in search engine optimization. If you sell pharmaceutical products, then getting a link from your cousin’s logo designing website is not a good idea. Google evaluates relevance of a link at different levels:
● Relevance of content around the link
● Relevance of the page on which the link is present
● Relevance of the linking website
Google treats links from the irrelevant sources as low quality links. Keep monitoring your backlink profile, if you get any low-quality backlinks then disavow them.


Not many know that the location of a link in a content also plays an important role. Search engine gives preference to editorial links. Google considers the link that appears at the beginning of the content or in the main section of a page as an important link, compared to those who appear in bottom paragraphs or footer.


If the words used in the anchor text matches the keywords which you are aiming to rank for, then Google considers it as a high-quality backlink. However, one needs to be careful while using anchor text links. If a website gets plenty of incoming links, which consists of identical anchor link text, then it will look suspicious. Therefore, it is a good practice to vary your anchor link text.


Search engines give preference to those backlinks which are present on a high authority website. The importance of a backlink further increases if the website shares the same niche as yours. Keep authority of linking domains along with the other four factors mentioned above in mind while building links. Always go for natural link building methods. It may take time, but it gives long-lasting results.

Build Quality Backlinks

TOP 10 Effective Ways To Build Quality Backlinks

By | Backlinks, Link Building, Search Engine Optimizaion

Too much of anything is bad. Backlinks play an important role in SEO but too much of linking back to your site, might get you penalized. It is better to focus on quality of backlinks than quantity. Here are the ten most effective ways to build high-quality backlinks.

1.  Comment On Relevant Blog Posts

Commenting without reading the blog post might be considered as spam. You may lose your ranking. Read the blog post first, and then comment your views with giving reference to the content of the blog post. That will be a more genuine and natural way to gain online presence and quality backlinks from your niche.

2. Do Article Marketing

 Article marketing has been doing a great job in building quality backlinks. Search good article directories that are relevant to your niche and submit your posts. Here, content of your articles plays a vital role. Quality of the backlinks depends on quality of your content.

3. Use Broken-Link Building Method

 Broken links are the links which don’t work. Clicking on them will lead to the message – This webpage is not available. Having such broken links may affect ranking of a website. Here the idea is to report broken-link present on a website to its webmaster and ask to replace it with your link. The webmaster might return the favour. Make sure that you are friendly, when you approach webmasters.

4. Utilize Social Bookmarking Sites

There are many social bookmarking sites such as Reddit, Digg, Stumbleupon etc. Your website will gain quality backlinks, if you submit your blog to social bookmarking sites. With this method, you will also have a new source of traffic.

5. Share Your Blog Posts On Social Networking Sites

 Most of your potential customers are on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Social media is considered as a great source of traffic. Be consistent in sharing your blog posts to get quality backlinks. This will also create an online presence and drive more traffic to your blog. In the long run, you will be successful in creating your own community.

6. Guest posting is evergreen

Guest posting is most common as well as an effective way to build quality backlinks. It is more effective when you are able to create high-quality unique content. It will help you to reach unexplored audience. Always choose suitable blogs and topics to keep your audience engaged and interested.

7. Q&A Sites

Question and answer sites such as Quora, Stackexchange and Reddit are gaining huge popularity. Ask questions and answer questions related to your blog’s niche and mention your blog link as a source. Your blog will gain reputation, wide exposure and quality backlinks.

8. Review Popular Products and Companies

Reviewing popular products and Companies in your niche benefits you as well as the company. Reviews of third-party are considered to be trustworthy and unbiased. Companies might link your post to showcase company’s image in the market.

9. Press Release Works

Whenever you do a press release, make sure that it contains newsworthy content, which catches the attention of your potential audience. The main aim of a press release is to build the brand and add credibility. If done right, press releases can build authoritative backlinks because it can be picked up by any news sites.

10. Upload To Document Sharing Sites

Select only those document-sharing sites, which are trusted by Google and are do-follow. Convert your blog posts into PDF file and upload to document sharing site. It is as simple as that. It is a simple and effective way to build backlinks.

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