In the last couple of years, the role of influencer marketing has significantly grown in digital marketing. So, what exactly is influencer marketing? It is a type of marketing where the focus is on influential people rather than the target market on social media. Here the individuals who have influence over potential customers are identified, and the marketing activities are carried out. Since influencer marketing can positively impact your business, there are many reasons to work with an influencer. In the blog post, we are covering the top seven reasons. Let us begin.
1. Influencers create fresh content
One of the biggest advantages of working with an online influencer is that you get to have fresh high-quality content. And superior content is important for both ranking higher on search engine results page and attracting new customers.
An average online influencer is in this business for many years, he knows how to create a content that people like to consume and move towards sales. Very few people understand the importance of this fact. Many business owners fail to discover all the topics that someone from the outside world would be eager to read. And if at all, the business owners are successful in writing the need of potential customers, the content may not get the visibility and credibility it should.
2. Influencers can bring new followers
One of the main reasons to work with influencers is that they can attract new visitors. Here micro-influencers play a major role. A micro influencer is an influencer whose number of social media followers fall between 2000 to 50000. The number may look less, but the good part is that these micro-influencers have dedicated following. In other words, their followers are active. They believe the expertise of the online influencer.
Some brands try to reach their potential customers via having active social media presence or email marketing. Although these are the best practices in both search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM), an influencer can do the same thing on a wider scale and bring other benefits such as higher brand awareness and brand visibility. So, it makes sense to run social media marketing and email marketing campaign, along with taking help of online influencers.
3. Online influencers improve SEO
Business owners usually take the help of online influencers to gain certain business goals. Some of those are higher visibility, more reach, improved engagement, solid online reputation, and lead generation. However, a very small number of people know that online influencers do improve search engine ranking. As a result, only fewer people attempt to enhance SEO.
Whenever an online influencer creates content and links it to your website, it works like a magic. It simply takes your incoming traffic to another level. If done correctly with right quality and quantity, it elevates search engine ranking of your website. So, share the content created by the influencers on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and link it to your website.
4. Influencers are conversation starters
Influencers are good at creating content as well as conversations. With years of experience, they know how to speak to your audience. No matter what type of audience you have, they know how to engage and interact with them.
Moreover, you cannot be the only one to praise your products and services. Doing so can do no good. Self-praise never works in marketing. So, when the words from an influencer come out people tend to believe it. In the end, credibility matters the most. If you are able to reach thousands of people, but if no one is believing you, then it is waste of time, money and efforts.
So, if someone, who is not related to your business, is expressing a good opinion about you, then that is considered a credible signal. As a result, emotion and interest of the people shoot up. In the end, they prefer to choose you over your competitors.
5. Influencers generate sales
No matter what digital marketing strategy, method or type you opt, the ultimate goal is to generate sales. It is the sole purpose of your both marketing and business. In the past couple of years, influencer marketing has become one of the leading methods to generate sales. However, that does not mean you need to depend solely on this method. It makes sense to run SEO, SMM, and other digital marketing strategies parallelly.
So, it makes sense to go for influencer marketing. The main question you need to ask here is how many influencers are required. There is no simple answer to this question. The answer depends on various factors such as a size of business, type of business, business goals, type of audience, budget, and type of services and products you sell. Considering all these points, you can judge yourself. SEO experts usually do not recommend settling with one influencer.
6. Influencers establish customer relationships
It is an obvious fact that influencers have a strong relationship with their followers. Over the years, they have gained the trust of the people. Their followers trust their opinion and expertise. So, partnering with the influencers gives access to a solid relationship. It is a kind of shortcut. The good thing is that one influencer can open the door to a lot of connections. This positive wave can spread like a wildfire.
The other positive aspect of a good customer relationship is that it builds a strong online reputation. This is the reason why working with influencers is one of the most-used techniques to establish a solid online reputation within a short period of time.
7. Influencer marketing is a solution for ad blockers
The hard truth is that nobody likes Internet ads. Internet users are using tools to avoid online ads. Today, it is quite easy to install the ad blocker extension in all the popular browsers. In fact, It hardly takes one or two minutes. Many studies have revealed that one out of nine mobile Internet users uses an ad blocker. It simply means more than half a billion people across the world. Furthermore, the usage of ad blockers is growing at an annual rate of 30%. So this issue has become a big headache to digital marketers.
The advantage of working with online influencers is that you bypass ad blockers. In other words, you can reach the target audience without facing any obstacles.